Artificial Intelligence

a bit about about artificial intelligence

Google, Wolfram Alpha, and ChatGPT all interact with users via a single line text entry field and provide text results. Google returns search results, a list of web pages and articles that will (hopefully) provide information related to the search queries. Wolfram Alpha generally provides mathematically and data analysis-related answers.

ChatGPT, by contrast, provides a response based on the context and intent behind a user's question. You can't, for example, ask Google to write a story or ask Wolfram Alpha to write a code module, but ChatGPT can do these sorts of things.

Fundamentally, Google's power is the ability to do enormous database lookups and provide a series of matches. Wolfram Alpha's power is the ability to parse data-related questions and perform calculations based on those questions. ChatGPT's power is the ability to parse queries and produce fully-fleshed out answers and results based on most of the world's digitally-accessible text-based information -- at least information that existed as of its time of training prior to 2021.

Read more here: How Does ChatGPT Actually Work?

the dark side of open ai

embracing open ai's potential

building impactful lessons with chatgpt

ChatGPT Prompt Guide.pdf

chatgpt prompt guide

You may want to join the Facebook group, ChatGPT for Teachers, to stay connected on this evolving topic.