Brain Training For Dogs Review

A better alternative to dog training classes?

We have seen quite a few dog training courses over the years and taken our dog’s to various dog training classes, we have had some great experiences but equally we have had some bad ones. In this post we are going to be giving our honest opinions about Brain Training For Dog’s and a rundown of what the course has to offer having completed all 7 modules. In this post our team will be primarily sharing our thoughts with a little info about the course, if you want more information on the contents of the course and it's aims then visit Brain Training For Dog’s website.

We are going to waste no time by saying we believe the course is Brilliant! The Course teaches with principles of force free training which helps to develop a stronger bond between you and your dog while at the same time improving the obedience and behavior. The Course aims to to do this through fun to play games, and to be quite honest after completion of the course we still play some of these games with our springier spaniel from time to time as they are so much fun.

One thing we love about the style of teaching in the course is that it taught our dog to solve problems by using their own initiative as the course tile would suggest, by increasing their intelligence. We find this different to other courses where your dogs just learns to obey your commands. This is shown by your dog becoming smarter as you complete each module and we can say that teaching our dog other tricks has never been so easy.

Why the course is such good value for money

We will never be going back to any dog training classes, previously we had had no real luck with courses bought online and had to suck up the cost of training classes to teach our dogs the essential fundamentals. The price we were paying before was £30 per session which is an absolute rip of when you consider the price of this course is $47 which is a one of purchase and is the equivalent to hours and hours of dog training classes. Once more when you have bough the course you always have access to it, so if you have two dogs then it's two for the price of one.

The general opinion of dog trainers

Adrienne Faricelli (the course creator) sells hundreds and hundreds of copies per week of this course, it's very popular among the dog training community. A stand out feature about the course is that it covers a huge variety of dog problems and improves their behavior so weather your dog struggles when you leave the house, they're hyperactive, bark at other dogs or won't walk on the lead you can rely on this course having a game designed to help you out. This is why so many dog owners have found success with the course, not just owners who are aiming to tackle one specific problem. If you don’t want to take our word for the course's excellence, then visit Brain training for dogs and read the thousands or reviews among dog owners that speak just as highly of the course as we do.

What does completion of the course achieve?

Brain Training for Dogs states that, once completed, it will better your dog's obedience, eliminate troublesome behavior and have your dog effortlessly obey all your commands like sit, stay and heel. The course is broken down into 7 modules that each will teach your dog new skills and increase your dog's intelligence, whilst progressively getting more advanced. Each module has a few games, usually 3, that target a unique different skill set and solve a common issue among dogs. If for some reason you dog doesn't suffer from this specific issue they will still gain some new skills and you will have great fun in doing so.

Course Overview

Module 1 – Preschool

This is the foundation for the whole course, the focus is on preparing them for more efficient future training. In this section you will be focusing on training your dog to become more obedient and obey your commands. In addition, you will begin to teach your dog a game called the airplane game which is great fun and gets the attention of your dog using eye contact.

Module 2 – Elementary school

The next module is all about improving your dog's skills and having them use their senses. The module is jam packed with various games. Our favorite game with our dog was the Ball pit game, this allowed us to tire him out meaning that our training was made easier as he was more attentive and had a longer attention span. Not to mention it’s also great for your dog’s health!

Module 3 – High school

It is in the module where your dog will improve his patience and impulse control. As we have previously mentioned we had been doing Brain Training For Dogs with our hyperactive springier, The most valuable game we found to us was called Jazz up and settle down when your teach your dog to settle down after a hyperactive period, Although our dog didn't need much help being hyped up. For owners that have a dog scared of water the Bobbing for treats game will best suit you and will help your dog to overcome their fear of water having to become a confident swimmer in the future.

Module 4 – College

Module 4 aims to target all areas, reiterating skills already learnt, there are three games the shell game, open sesame and the magic carpet game. For us we found the open sesame game helped wonders with our dog's behavior. We used to have this issue whenever we would come home from a day at work our dog would be jumping up and just going crazy, but we truly believe this game helped us to calm him down. Now when we come home, we are greeted by our, happy but calm, tail wagging friend.

Module 5 – University

We found this section to drastically increase our dog intelligence. For dogs that suffer from behavioral problems this may be your most valuable section. A game called ‘look at that’ stops your dog from barking at other dogs and passers by outside. The hot and cold game will improve your dog's agility and build confidence, and perhaps our favorite game of the whole course is in this module. ‘Hide and seek’ which was designed for the intention of dog’s who don’t like being left at home, but we play this game all the time as it’s such a great laugh!

Module 6 – Graduation

The last two sections of the course really dial in your dog's cleverness. One time we had a few friends over for some food, just following the completion of this module, and they were gob smacked that we were able to have our dog pick up certain toys, from the floor on command via recognition, and put them away in his toy box. To be honest we probably think it’s so fantastic as we can be lazy now, not having to pick up his toys. There is also a game designed to teach your dog weaving between your legs and one to help your dog stick by your side in all scenarios.

Module 7 – Einstein

The final section of the course teaches highly intelligent skills that we are sure will impress every single person you get your dog to do in front of. You are probably itching to know what these are, the first is ring stacking and the last is playing the piano. Yes, that is correct playing the piano! Your dog will be able to hit certain notes and play the piano on cue, there is no way someone cannot be impressed by a piano playing dog.

Do you require any other equipment?

No not really, throughout the course you may require a few extra bits, but these can be found in your house. For example, items such as muffin tins a plastic bottle and rugs. The fact that you don’t need to purchase anything is music to ears, Adrienne suggests even using a verbal marker rather than a dog clicker.

However, if you have not already got some dog training treats then you are probably going to need to get some as solely verbal praise may not incentivize your dog enough. If you have started even the most basic of dog training, you probably have some training treats but if not then our favorite training treats are Tasty Minis as they are a great size also being healthy choice.

What do I do after completing the course?

After completing the course, you may be asking yourself where do I go from here? We were certainly doing the same as we wanted to carry on learning more advanced tricks. Well the answer is you probably won't need to buy any more dog training courses. Our dog was so obedient and use to learning that picking up new skills and tricks was a breeze. From a mixture of informative videos on Youtube and using teaching methods we had learnt in the course we have been able to teach our dog many more tricks. About 4 months ago we began agility course training and within 2 months we took out dog to a competition where we placed 2nd after just a couple months of training. Completion of the course enables you to go on and do so much more as you have learnt all the dog training fundamentals, and therefore we recommend this course so highly to all owners. You will never need to buy any other training products ever again!