Early Childhood

& Anti-Racism

August 8, 12:00 EST

Our Facilitator

Dr. Kerry-Ann Escayg

Dr. Escayg's research focuses on anti-racism in early childhood education as well as children and race. As a social theorist, Dr. Escayg has utilized elements of Critical Race Theory, Black Feminist Thought, and Anti-racist Education to offer new exegeses on children's racial identity development, including strategies to promote positive racial identity among Black children; a research-derived protocol to assess children's play; and an anti-racist approach to U.S. early childhood education. Her recent publications have highlighted and interrogated the ways in which whiteness, as a system of racial privilege, functions in early childhood contexts. Central to Dr. Escayg's work is a commitment to racial equity in the early years and the holistic well-being of children of color, and Black children in particular.In addition to her scholarly and activist pursuits, Dr. Escayg writes short stories, poetry, and children's literature. While her children's literature center on equipping children with social and emotional skills such as positive self-identity, honesty, and self-acceptance, her adult creative works are poignant counter-narratives: echoes of past anti-colonial/anti-racist resistance merging with current travails and triumphs. "Racial pride begets resistance; and resistance is power" (Escayg & Kinkead-Clark, 2019).