Citywide Calling

Connecting the Dots: MDC to Mayor’s Proposed Jails

11:00am 2pm

In the past week, the world has learned of the horrendous conditions faced by those detained at Metropolitan Detention Center. It is important for us to connect the dots. What has taken place at MDC is not exceptional. MDC is no different from the jails on Rikers Island or the four new jails proposed by Mayor Bill de Blasio. @NYCMayor’s jails will never ensure future people being detained' safety and cannot address racial inequalities of policing and incarceration. The borough-based jails proposed by the Mayor’s plan--just like MDC and every other jail and prison in the country--will to operate as a violent, dehumanizing, and unreformable institutions that harm individuals, families, and communities. If the Mayor truly cared about conditions at MDC and across city jails, he would divest from policing and incarceration and invest in the resources that actually keep our communities safe and our neighbors in their homes. Call now to tell Mayor Bill de Blasio to close Rikers Island now and withdraw his proposal to build four new jails in our communities.

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