
ABM4Policy Workshop 

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy) 

15 and 16 November 2022 

The Agent-Based Modelling for Policy (ABM4Policy) workshop will be held at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, Italy. The workshop aims to foster an open dialogue between academics and policy makers from central banks and other international institutions to present papers and discuss open issues and challenges in using Macroeconomic Agent-based models for policy analysis. 

The workshop will start on November 15, 2022, at 14.00 and finish on November 16, 2022, in the late afternoon. 

The workshop will be hosted by Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33, 56127 Pisa PI) in Aula Magna




15 November 2022


Opening Remarks (14:00-14:10)

(Andrea Roventini & Marc Hinterschweiger)


Innovation (14:10 – 15:30)

Chair: Marc Hinterschweiger

1.    Tania Treibich (Maastricht University): “Are public and private innovation efforts complementary? Competition, technology and patent policies in a macroeconomic agent-based model”

2.     Andrea Borsato (Université de Strasbourg): “Data Production and the coevolving AI trajectories:  An attempted evolutionary model”

3.     Lucrezia Fanti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): “A North-South Agent Based Model of segmented labour markets. The role of education and trade asymmetries”

4.     Francesco Pasimeni (Eindhoven University of Technology): “Coalition Formation and the Diffusion of Shared Goods: An Agent-Based Model”


Break (15:30 – 15:40)


Green Transition (15:40-16:40)

Chair: Arzu Uluc

1.     Francesco Lamperti (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Macroeconomic policies to stay below 2°C with sustainable growth”

2.     Marco Valente (University of L'Aquila): “Modelling Transition Risk: Towards an Agent-Based, Stock-Flow Consistent Framework”

3.     Lilit Popoyan (University of Naples "Parthenope"): “Shadows Disappear at Night: An Agent-Based IAM Simulation of Environmental Permits and Climate Change”


COFFEE BREAK (16:40-17:00)


Distributive policies (17.00-18:00)

Chair – Lilit Popoyan

1.     Matheus Trotta Vianna (University of Manchester): “Monetary Policy and Income Distribution in a Multisectoral AB-SFC Model”

2.     Alessandro Caiani (IUSS Pavia): “Fiscal Transfers and Common Debt in a Monetary Union: a Multi-Country Agent Based - Stock Flow Consistent Model”

3.     Luca Eduardo Fierro (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Inequality-Constrained Monetary Policy in a Financialized Economy”


Discussion Session: 18:00-19:00 

Chair: Mauro Napoletano and Arzu Uluc


SOCIAL DINNER: 20:30-23:00

(Ristorante Vineria di Piazza, Piazza delle Vettovaglie, 13, 56126 Pisa PI)


16 November 2022


Macro (9:15-10:35)

Chair – Mauro Naploletano  

1.     Miguel H. Ferreira (Queen Mary University of London): “Sorting between Real and Financial Constraints: Macroeconomic Implications”

2.     Leonardo Ciambezi (Universitè Côte d'Azur): “Rethinking inflation in an ABM model”

3.     Eleonora Priori (University of Turin): “A micro-foundation framework of national accounts to study macroeconomic phenomena: integrating the stock-flow consistent approach with agent-based modelling”

4.     Elise Kremer (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University): “Contingent convertible bonds and macroeconomic stability in a stock-flow consistent agent-based model”


COFFEE BREAK (10:35-11:00)


Production networks  (11:00 – 12:00)

Chair – Andrea Roventini

1.     Antoine Mandel (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University): “Shock propagation in production networks in and out of equilibrium”

2.     Philipp Harting (Bielefeld University): “Digital Product Innovation and Global Value Chains: an Agent-Based Analysis”

3.     Marco Pangallo (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Modeling the distributional epidemic-economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic”


Energy (12:00 – 13:00)

Chair:  Adrian Carro  

1.     Robert (OECD): “The Impact of the Energy Shock on the Business Sector: An Agent-Based Approach Using the CAB Model”

2.     Enrico Turco (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei): “Energy price shocks and stabilization policies in a multi-agent macroeconomic model for the Euro Area”

3.     Mattia Pettena (University of Genoa): “An Agent-Based Input-Output model to study the relevance of interindustry product flows in green energy transition policies” 


LUNCH BREAK (13:00-14:30)

(Ristorante Vineria di Piazza, Piazza delle Vettovaglie, 13, 56126 Pisa PI)

Financial vulnerability and systemic risk (14:30-15:50)

Chair: Marc Hinterschweiger  

1.     Arzu Uluc (Bank of England): “Prudential regulation of the UK banking and housing sectors: An agent-based modelling approach “

2.     Ruben Tarne (University of Groningen): “Homeowners’ Financial Vulnerability over the House Price Cycle”

3.     Vágó Nikolett (Hungarian National Bank): “The evaluation of macroprudential and fiscal policy schemes supporting first-time home buyers based on a High-Resolution Agent-based Model”

4.     Gianluca Pallante (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Mitigating Systemic Risk and Financial Contagion: An Agent-Based Model Explorations”


Break (15:50-16:00)


Validation and Forcast  (16:00 – 17:20)

Chair: Lilit Popoyan

1.     Sylvain Barde (University of Kent): “Bayesian Estimation of Large-Scale Simulation Models with Gaussian Process Regression Surrogates”

2.     Sebastian Poledna (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis): “Economic Forecasting with an Agent-based Model”

3.     Andrea Vandin (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Automated and distributed statistical analysis of economic agent-based models”

4.     Mario Martinoli (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies): “Calibration and Validation of Macroeconomic Simulation Models: A General Protocol by Casual Search”


Closing remarks (17:20-17:30)

workshop Venue

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy)

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33, 56127 Pisa PI

Social Dinner

Ristorante Vineria di Piazza

Piazza delle Vettovaglie, 13, 56126 Pisa PI

The Social dinner will take place in Ristorante Vineria di Piazza  at the cost of 26 euros per person, also hosting Lunch on 16 November for 18 euros. Please let us know of any dietary requirements if you haven't already.