
ABM4Policy Workshop 

Bank of England (London, UK) 

15 and 16 November 2023 

The Agent-Based Modelling for Policy (ABM4Policy) workshop will be held on November 15 and 16 at the Bank of England in London. The workshop aims to foster an open dialogue between academics and policy makers from central banks and other international institutions to present papers, and discuss open issues and challenges in using agent-based models for policy analysis. The non-exhaustive list of topics addressed in the workshop shall include: 

A selected number of papers will be published in a special section of Industrial and Corporate Change, Macro Economics and Development. 

Please submit your paper or extended abstract by email to:

Deadline: September 29, 2023 

Notification of acceptance: October 13, 2023 

A limited number of partial travel stipends and accommodations for young scholars will be sponsored by INET’s Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) based on a motivation-for-funding statement. If you would like to apply for YSI support, please fill out this form.

ABM4Policy Organising Committee 

Marco Bardoscia, Marc Hinterschweiger and Arzu Uluc (Bank of England), Lilit Popoyan and Andrea Roventini (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Adrian Carro (Banco de España) and Mauro Napoletano (Université Côte d'Azur)