You now need to download DX9. Go here and download it. Go back into the NFS Shift properties in Steam and change the target application to the downloaded DX9 installer. Run through the setup and choose to extract the files in the extracted dx9 folder we made earlier.

Almost done! The last thing the game needs now is physx system software. Download this and go back into the game properties. Find the path for the physxsystemsoftware.msi package and run the game once again. Go through the setup.

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I don't have a way of testing this but maybe this unlock mod might allow you to access them. _sel.php?file=nfsshift2/files/ Worth a try anyway. Remember to backup the file in case it breaks the game. If this doesn't work then you might have to do other methods I probably wouldn't be allowed to mention in this forum.

To make a long story short I got the game to run with starting error at track load, at first there were no indication of reason for closing, I was using the downloaded version from Origin, I had installed the game from a bought CD originally but origin said it was already used, but it had worked. The downloaded Origin closed at start of race loading. Origin check for errors etc did not work. So I installed the CD version again and I got an error about needing file physXLoader.dll Having a geforce card this file was not in my /NVIDIA Corporation/PhySX/common folder like it was in another computer so I copied both physXLoader.dll and physXLoader64.dll to the other computer and it worked! I think Origin needs to update their install of this game. Win10

Graphics: It's almost laughable (or is it so sad that it makes me want to cry??) to compare the 2D version of this game on the BlackBerry Bold 9700 to the 3D version on the Storm2 or to the iPhone version. I guess you can't pack that many detailed graphics into only 648kb and without support of the Open GL standard there's no point to anyway. I found the graphics on 3D version on the BlackBerry Storm2 to be quite acceptable. There's definitely still some room for improvement (I'm guessing a higher resolution display would smooth out some of the rougher edges and more detail could be added to the cars/scenery) but the 3D graphics are just night and day better than 2D. In going to the iPhone version of this game, what you really gain is a lot more detail. I guess at 2.7MB in file size, the Storm2's 3D version is already as big as you can really get away with on BlackBerry. Adding in the extra scenery bitmaps (more billboards, people in the stands, more details to the cars, etc.) is going to dramatically increase the file size of the game. Without the memory limitations on the iPhone, they pack more transitional and intro stuff into the game that adds to the flavor (even the EA logo and Need for Speed shift splash screens are fancier on the iPhone). That said, ignorance is bliss here. If you just pick up and play the Storm2 version you won't feel hard done by at all. It's good times. However, if you put it side by side with the same game on the iPhone you'll feel a bit of game envy. Sucks that I have to say that, but it's true.

The other big technological hurdle RIM has to overcome here is how to run BIG apps on the device. Either they need to greatly increase flash memory or allow apps to run directly from the memory card. When it comes to games, BIGGER apps are better. If you want to pack a ton of killer graphics and audio into a game that takes space. RIM needs a mechanism for handling this... and they need it asap. I have faith RIM will get there, so in the meantime I'd love to see more games of this sort of caliber become available until we can see RIM start touting "Super Games" as much as we have heard about "Super Apps".

Rod Chong, I just came up with a great idea. Instead of trying to have professional drivers vouch for your product, why don't you patch it so that the customers who BUY it actually have a reason to? No one gives a damn how great Tommy Milner thinks your game is, but we do give a damn if WE think it sucks because we're the ones you're trying to sell it to, not Tommy Milner or any of the other drivers EA has been trying to exploit for their massive and very misleading marketing campaign.

This is part of the reason why Forza and Gran Turismo are such successful franchises. They don't need professional racing drivers to vouch for the product because the game vouches for itself. We don't care if you think its a not an arcade racer. Your opinion on the matter means nothing to us, and by ignoring legitimate concerns from fans who feel they were ripped off or mislead you're just making more of us want to abandon the NFS franchise completely. Pull your head out of your ass at SMS and EA and LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS THINK.

As for me, actions speak louder than words, and I already decided not to buy Shift. I decided I'm putting that money towards Forza 3, where the developers aren't trying to mislead me and sell me a broken product. Sorry, but I'm not going to support a devloper or publisher who refuses to listen to their customers. And believe me Rod, I'm not the only one making that same decision.

@Rod Chong

I understand what you're saying, and I have already voiced my thoughts on the official forum. Perhaps the physics are good underneath all the bugs, but I can't agree with you on it yet. I can see potential with the physics engine, but as it stands after the first patch, it still feels very uncontrolled, unbalanced, and unpredictable. Seems the biggest problem with the physics is the fact that the car never feels connected to me because my controller inputs are delayed for a fraction of a second. Its the same story on both the PC and my Xbox. It's very easy to tell that there is something fishy about the physics. Compare it to Race On from SimBin. Race On uses nearly the same physics engine (gMotor) as NFS: Shift, yet its nearly a thousand times more playable. There is no lag on controller input and there are no handling surprises like you get with Shift. 

To prove my point that Shift has some serious flaws in its physics code, fire up Shift and pick a Murcielago, upgrade everything and Works convert it. Increase the downforce a bit and take it out on a straight section of the Nurburgring. I can't remember the exact top speed, but its well under 200mph, the car is CONSTANTLY sparking and dragging the undercarriage along the pavement, and you can't even get the car fast enough to make it into 6th gear. How can we believe that this game has racing simulator physics when something this silly happens? The idea is that the physics code should react realistically to changes in the cars parameters, but the idea of a Murcielago having so much downforce that it drags the undercarriage on the ground at 150mph is so far fetched you'd expect it to be science fiction or a joke. This is why we don't believe the physics of the game to be realistic or at level where it could be called a simulation, because that simply wouldn't happen in real life unless you put wings from an airliner upside down on the top of the car. 

What bothers me even more than the silly physics is the fact that this game has SO MUCH potential to be incredible that its not even funny. Aside from the crazy camera shake and DOF effects, it is a graphical masterpiece. The art and audio teams for Shift are so on the ball its almost scary, they really did an excellent job. Shift wants to be a great simulator and it should be, but it was rushed out the door several months before it was finished and EA expects us to shell out $50-60 for it. Not happening, not yet at least. If you want to do yourself and all of us a favor, then you should put the guys who wrote the physics code in direct contact with some of us through e-mail. There are plenty of us who would like to give the guys some constructive feedback to make this sim what it needs to be, including me. The forums are a good place for posting bugs, but in my experience forums are not the route for getting to the team that is actually working on the game. They have PR guys to handle the forums, and I get the impression that they don't understand how we feel because a lot of our thoughts get lost in a sea of dumb comments and suggestions.

Just because you guys cant play the game right means that the game is weak or arcade-y. As much as i love forza i cant help but commend the good stuff about shift. the physics and graphics is quite a feat. Although more work can still be done.

To the noobs who dont know shit setting up a car properly go ahead and play you so called "racing games". If you guys cant play the game without driving aids, then stick with the easier settings. Sucks for you guys that you can't really play the game properly. I still lvoe forza but this Shift is quite an experience on gaming.

3. Do a fresh install of NFSS and patch it 1.2. Make sure you can launch the game and get into a race. TAKE THIS NEXT STEP IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH HARD DRIVE SPACE AND PATIENTS: Assuming the game launches properly I would make a copy of the whole NFSS directory and put .packed after the name so you have a good working copy if needed. If you do this step you can place it into the NFSS_Files folder.

5. Go to the NFSS download area at NoGrip and download New BFF tools with auto unpacker. Unzip it into your NFSS directory. Once it is unzipped there will be 4 new files, quickbms.exe,, shiftunpack.bat and a readme txt file.

You can argue that driving racing cars should be scary, and there's something to that. Slightly Mad certainly seems to think so, underlining the point with ferocious camera-shake and extreme blurring and depth-of-field effects, making impacts jarring and high speeds nerve-wracking. With judicious tweaking of the control sensitivity, AI difficulty and driving aids to suit your skill level and style (none of which penalises rewards in any way), SHIFT's handling can be mastered. But you'll do so with grim satisfaction rather than pleasure. It's telling that even the normal setting for handling difficulty feels the need to offer heavy-handed assistance with braking and steering. be457b7860

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