
Ab Imperio
Books for Reviews

Поздравляем лауреатов шестой ежегодной премии Ab Imperio за лучшее исследование 

по новой имперской истории и истории разнообразия в Северной Евразии до конца ХХ в.!

Congratulations to the winners of the sixth annual Ab Imperio Award for the best study in new imperial history 

and history of diversity in Northern Eurasia, up to the late twentieth century!

1) Best book / Лучшая монография:

Andrii Portnov, Dnipro: An Entangled History of a European City (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2022). 374 pp., ill. Bibliography. Index. ISBN: 979-8-88719-102-7.

Special mention / Особо отмечена: Claire P. Kaiser, Georgian and Soviet: Entitled Nationhood and the Specter of Stalin in the Caucasus (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022). 275 pp., ill. Bibliography. Index. ISBN: 978-1-5017-6679-4.

2) Лучшая статья (в рецензируемом научном журнале)/глава в научном сборнике / Best article in a peer-reviewed academic journal or chapter in a scholarly collection:

Edyta M. Bojanowska, “Was Tolstoi a Colonial Landlord? The Dilemmas of Private Property and Settler Colonialism on the Bashkir Steppe,” Slavic Review 81, no. 2 (Summer 2022): 324–348. 

Special mention / Особо отмечена: Robert Kindler, “American Russia: Fur Seals, Empire, and Conflict in the Northern Pacific after 1867,” Ab Imperio 23, no. 1 (2022): 166–190.

3) Best dissertation chapter / Лучшая глава в диссертации:

Roy Bar Sadeh, “Recasting Minority: Islamic Modernists between South Asia, the Middle East, and the World, 1856–1947” (Columbia University, 2022).

Special mention / Особо отмечена: Anastasiia Strakhova, “Selective Emigration: Border Control and the Jewish Escape in Late Imperial Russia, 1881–1914” (Emory University, 2022).

Конкурс завершен! Конкурс публикаций 2023 г. будет объявлен осенью.

This round of competition is over! The call for nominations for the 2023 publication awards will be announced in the fall.