Abhishek Mukherji's Homepage

Hello and welcome to my homepage! I am Abhishek Mukherji. I work as a Researcher and Senior Engineer at Cisco Systems Inc. I currently work on Indoor Positioning Systems; on Location Algorithms and their performance enhancements, applying Machine Learning to solve customer use cases and improve location-based services. Prior to this, I was a Staff Researcher at Samsung R&D Silicon Valley working on client-side indoor positioning technologies as well as context-aware applications for smart devices such as smartphones, smartwatches and other IoT devices. I have a PhD in Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). My PhD advisors were Professor Elke A. Rundensteiner and Late Professor Matthew O. Ward. I also have a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from University of Rajasthan–India.

My research interests include pervasive and ubiquitous computing, mobile sensing, context awareness, activity recognition using mobile and wearable devices, IoT, RTLS, indoor location technologies, time-series pattern mining and matching, data mining, information visualization, database optimization, stream and sensor data management.