Current Projects
Tertiary Education and the Rural Economy (with Amparo Castello Climent and Ravinder)
Transition from Education to Labour Force: A study of Youth in Urban India
School Expansion and Caste Composition of Schools in Ethnically Fragmented Societies: Empirical Evidence from India (with Anugula Reddy and Chandan Jain) funded by PPRU
How disruptive are teachers transfers to aggregate learning ? (with Aparajita Dasgupta and Akanksha Aggarwal)- Funded by CMGGA (Ashoka University) and PPRU
Adverse weather events, forced migration and human development outcomes in India: A district-level analysis (with Papiya Mazumdar, Sumit Mazumdar and Ajay Sharma)- Funded by EfD-CECFEE
Institutions-Social Capital:
Migrants and Social Capital: Long Run Effects of the Indian Partition (with Prasad Bhattacharya and Latika Chaudhary)-Funded by PPRU
Shedding Light on Inequality: Decomposing Inequality in India 2001-2011 (with David Garcés Urzainqui)-Funded by UNU-WIDER and CHALLINEQ (CDE-DSE); Early Version
Political Economy
Educated Leaders through Legislation, But at what Cost? (with Rolly Kukreja and Subhasish Dey)- Funded by University of Warwick
Are Citizens Happy when She is the Leader? Evidence from Rural India (with Lakshya Narula)