
Some of my recent work related to my academic life.

reading projects and research internships

Hubble images of quasar 3C 273. At right, a coronagraph is used to block the quasar's light, making it easier to detect the surrounding host galaxy. Image: WFPC2 image: NASA and J. Bahcall (IAS) ; ACS image: NASA, A. Martel (JHU), H. Ford (JHU), M. Clampin (STScI), G. Hartig (STScI), G. Illingworth (UCO/Lick Observatory), the ACS Science Team and ESA

QSOs As The Tracer Of Our Universe

Group Project | Summer 2024 (Ongoing) | TIFR

I worked briefly in a group project led by Dr. Shadab Alam where our efforts were focused on using quasars (QSOs) to explore the connection between galaxies and the dark matter (DM) halos that surround them.  These halos are thought to be crucial to galaxy formation and star birth, but the details remain unclear. 

Artist's impression of two black holes as they spiral towards each other before merging, releasing gravitational waves – fluctuations in the fabric of spacetime. Image: ESA, C.Carreau

Forecasting BBH Mergers With Cosmological Simulations

Project | Summer 2023 (Ongoing) | IUCAA-NISER

I am working on a collaborative project led by Prof. Shasvath J. Kapadia and Dr. Nishikanta Khandai, which is focused on forecasting the detectivity of Binary Black Hole (BBH) mergers in future space-based detectors using cosmological simulations. Our focus extends to the analysis of mass spectrum, redshift evolution, and detectability of BBH mergers through cosmological simulations. My role involves working on the specifics of cosmological simulations and analysing various galaxy parameters over time. Specifically, I'm tracking the evolution of host group/galaxy properties both before and after BBH mergers, which may provide valuable insights as a precursor to these cosmic events.

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows a gathering of four cosmic companions. This quartet forms part of a group of galaxies known as the Hickson Compact Group 16, or HCG 16 — a galaxy group bursting with dramatic star formation, tidal tails, galactic mergers and black holes. Image: NASA, ESA, ESO, J. Charlton

Galaxy Group Finder Algorithm

Group Project | Summer 2023 | TIFR

I worked briefly in a group project led by Dr. Shadab Alam where our efforts were focused on development of a Group Finder Algorithm. My specific role in the group consisted of simulating mock dark matter halos in a periodic box resembling the universe, often associated with galaxy clusters and groups, to mimic real observational data. The long-term goal was to develop 'Group Finder Algorithms' that can use these simulated halos to train models for detecting groups in actual survey data.

Schematic illustration of the Milky Way galaxy, showing the prominent spiral arms, the central galactic bulge, the location of the Sun, and selected X-ray sources. Image: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss

Self Gravitating Systems

Reading Project | Summer 2022 | NISER

Under the supervision of Dr. Nishikanta Khandai, I did a comprehensive reading on galaxy dynamics, exploring constituents, morphological classifications, and deriving equations for potential and mass distribution models based on observed structures and also expanded knowledge and understanding in the fields of galaxy formation, evolution, and the distribution of dark matter, as discussed in Galactic Dynamics by Binney & Tremaine, my primary reference. 

Submitted Report: Self Gravitating Systems

experimental lab and course projects

A collage showing (in anti-clockwise order): 1. The 3D design of the spectrometer mount; 2. The finished 3D-printed spectrometer mount; 3. The spectrum image as recorded using the spectrometer mount for a light source; and 4. the final spectrum of Sirius after analysis of the recorded spectra.

Stellar Spectroscopy With Telescope

Experimental Lab Project | Fall 2023 | NISER

Me and my labmate, Ms. Niti Singh worked on this semester-long experimental project aiming to design and build a dedicated spectrometer for the 11-inch CPC Deluxe 1100 HD telescope by using a diffraction grating and a planetary CMOS sensor. We aimed to capture spectra of celestial objects, hoping our project becomes a meaningful addition to the field of stellar spectroscopy.  Divided into two phases, the initial stage focused on precise spectrometer design, calibration, and construction to seamlessly integrate with the telescope. While the latter half of the semester centered on astronomical observations, capturing and analysing spectra of various stars like Sirius, Betelgeuse, Procyon, and Capella. 

Project Resources: Spectroscopy Experimentation Website (Notion) | Project Repo (Github)

A plot showing the simulated orbit over a period of time for the Planet Earth around Sun using the Adaptive Runge-Kutta-4 Integrator with an adaptive step size. 

Orbit Simulation with Adaptive RK-4 Integrator

P346 Term Project | Fall 2022 | NISER

This coding project was part of my P346: Computational Lab Course and was focused on modeling the motion of a planet around a sun using ordinary differential equations (ODEs). I used a numerical integrator with adaptive step-size RKF45 and Cash-Karp parameters to simulate/model the system.

Project Resources: Project Repo (Github)