Abgeena Shabir

About Me

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in the field of Electronics and Communication and a Masters's Degree in Nanotechnology where I primarily focused on working with Nano-Optical Sensors. My passion and drive for developing the next-gen, cutting edge batteries based on Graphene, the wonder material, has driven me to pursue a PhD in Graphene-based battery research. My aim is to help develop better, sturdier batteries that charge faster and are more efficient for our Electric future. I was awarded the coveted Prime Minister's Research Fellowship in 2020 which I intend to utilise in achieving these goals. Recipient of "Jamia Award of Excellence" for the year 2021.

Check out my CV here

Contact Abgeena Shabir at:

Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi, 110025

Mail : abgeena1909907@st.jmi.ac.in