Abel Axe Guitars Fan Site: History and Specs

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"Simply the Best"

Abel Axe guitars were conceived by Jeff Abel of Wyoming and designed/engineered by James Jones. Abel Axe LLC manufactured them from 1994 - 1996, and again in ~2001 with body slots instead of holes. Less than 250 1994-1996 Abel Axe guitars exist -if even that many. Specs can be found in their brochure with the following additions from my own observations and from conversations with Jeff Abel:

The Abel Axe (with the holes) with the Kahler trem weighs ~9 lbs and has a small body measuring 15.5" x 11.25" x 1". It is extremely well-balanced and its rounded edges and super thin body make it comfortable to hold. The neck joint allows excellent access: the heel flange is only ~3/16" thick.

Abel Axe also used a slot body pattern for their production in 2000-2001, in 2007 (through Delaney guitars), and thereafter. The anodizing method was changed to a thicker coating with more vibrant colors and used Warmoth necks. The price was $2500 for single-color, $2700 multi-color: see the Gallery.

Note: Abel Axe guitars are not to be confused with the Rogue Aluminator. Rogue Aluminators used a slot routing scheme for the body, a hum/single/single pickup configuration, three mini switches, tilt-back headstock, non-locking tuners and no trem option. The bodies are lighter than the Swiss-cheese-routed twin hum Abel Axe. The only connection between the two is that Abel Axe made the bodies for Rogue, but the necks were made off-shore. A favorable review of the Rogue Aluminator appeared in a 1998 Musician's Friend catalog.