12 & 13 April, 2021

ABC in Svalbard is the next edition of a successful workshop series around ABC methods. It aims at attracting researchers at the forefront of research on approximate Bayesian computing methods and promoting original research in that field among various disciplines.

A workshop on approximate Bayesian methods

ABC in Svalbard is the next edition of a successful workshop series around ABC methods. It aims at attracting researchers at the forefront of research on approximate Bayesian computing methods and promoting original research in that field among various disciplines.

Due to health restrictions, the workshop will only happen online (Mirror in Grenoble, Melbourne and Brisbane. Vidéos and slides are available on the replays page), 12 & 13 April 2021. The event at the Radisson Blu Polar Hotel, Spitsbergen (Svalbard, Longyerabyen, Norway) has been cancelled.

Mirror workshops

Mirror meeting will take place in Grenoble (link for the London and Paris time zones), Melbourne and Brisbane (link for the AEST 2:00 p.m. to 5 p.m session). They will include live talks by local speakers, live interaction with the local participants, and further discussions of the remote talks.

Vidéos & Slides

See either:


Abstracts are available in the abstracts tab.

ABC in Svalbard

Organisation Commitee

Jukka Corander (University of Oslo, NOR)

Gael Martin (Monash University, AUS)

Christian P. Robert (Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL, FR)

Judith Rousseau (University of Oxford, UK)

Julien Stoehr (Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL, FR)

Julyan Arbel (INRIA Grenoble, FR)

Grégoire Clarté (Université Paris-Dauphine - PSL, FR)

Scientific Commitee

Jukka Corander (University of Oslo, NOR)

Richard Everitt (University of Warwick, UK)

Gael Martin (Monash University, AUS)

Kerrie Mengersen (Queensland University of Technology, AUS)

Antonietta Mira (Università della Svizzera italiana, CH)

Dennis Prangle (Newcastle University, UK)

Christian P. Robert (Université Paris-Dauphine, FR)

Judith Rousseau (University of Oxford, UK)

Code of Conduct

ISBA takes very seriously any form of misconduct, including but not limited to sexual harassment and bullying. All meeting participants are expected to adhere strictly to the official ISBA Code of Conduct. Following the safeISBA motto, we want ISBA meetings to be safe and to be fun. We encourage participants to report any concerns or perceived misconduct to the meeting organisers. Further suggestions can be sent to


This meeting is officially sponsored by the BayesComp section of ISBA which is supporting travel grants for young researchers.