Zimbabwe's central bank has completed its first auctions of foreign currency in a new drive to clean up the financial sector and bring the black market to an end. Interest in foreign currency at the auction was slim.

Under the complex currency exchange rules, exporters must exchange one-quarter of their foreign earnings at the official rate of Z$824 for one U.S. dollar. They then have to exchange another quarter of their earnings at rates offered at the Central Bank auctions. They can keep the remaining half of their export earnings in foreign currency for a limited period.

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An executive of a large manufacturer, who asked not to be named, said this exchange system will never last. He said, his company must be allowed to exchange its foreign earnings at decent rates or it will be forced out of business. He said he expects the exchange rate at the auctions to rise to about Z$12,000 to one greenback.

Bankers and economists who spoke to VOA gave the Central Bank's new governor, Gideon Gono, high marks for his effort to bring order to Zimbabwe's messy finances. But they said the unofficial currency market is more efficient than the central bank auctions and reflected Zimbabwe's depressed economy.

Glowtrack Auctions is an anchor subsidiary of Glowtrack Investments Private Limited that opened doors in Zimbabwe in 2013, Principal business interests in auctioneering business cover both public and private auctions and property valuation.

The central bank said on June 22 that 30% of all foreign currency traded at the weekly auctions would be reserved for disinvestment proceeds and dividend remittances. The country faces severe shortages of foreign currency and fuel, while consumer inflation surged to 786% in May. The Zimbabwe dollar is trading at 57.35 per U.S dollar after a currency peg of 25:1 in place since March was abandoned.

According to Bloomberg, the three auctions conducted in Dubai have attracted an average of around 150 buyers, an increase compared to the sales events held in Zimbabwe, where the number of buyers was only a fraction of that.

First of all, what exactly is an auction? In simple terms, an auction is a public sale that involves selling off items using a bidding system. In essence people bid and at the end of the day the highest bidder gets to buy the item in question. Auctions present prospects of buying things at very good prices but it is not cast in stone. Plus auctions entail a lot of processes and thus one needs to fully understand how it all works. In this article, I shall be discussing some pointers that can help you understand some pertinent details regarding auctions.

Surveys have long shown that fraudsters use auctions as a front to dupe people of their hard-earned money. Some of the tell-tale signs that an auctioneer could be a fraud are their location being either rented or temporary. This means you can come back later to find the whole place abandoned so be vigilant. The presence of a few people during auctions can be very suspicious because it could mean these are people working together to feign the semblance of an auction yet it is bogus. The bottom line is you must ask around, check online; just do whatever it takes to ascertain the legitimacy of the auctioneer.

Under normal circumstances, the items to be auctioned are accessible for viewing prior to the auction day. As an interested party, you must know that you are allowed to go view items on offer. At least that helps you assess and decide on items you will bid on. You are allowed to enquire on various pieces of information such as payments methods, terms and conditions amongst several others. You can ask other people that have been involved at auctions before to let you in on what you are entitled to so that you know.

These are some of the things that you must know about auctions. The best way to learn and master all there is to about auctions is by going to auctions to observe and learn. Before you even start going to auctions to bid on items start by just observing and learning. Through that, you will acquire so much experiential knowledge on how auctions work.

The GOZ has allowed companies to benchmark prices using the interbank rate equivalent to a willing-buyer/willing-seller exchange rate with effect from May 2022. Subsequently, the GOZ directed all transactions should be conducted at the interbank rate although it continues to conduct weekly auctions to allocate foreign exchange. While the willing-buyer/willing-seller scheme was meant to determine the true value of the Zimbabwe dollar, the RBZ allegedly influences both the interbank and the auction rates leading to a thriving parallel market for foreign exchange, with rates almost twice the auction and interbank rates. Lack of adequate foreign exchange has resulted in a backlog of around US$200 million, with those successful at the auction waiting for up to 12 weeks to get their foreign exchange allocations. Foreign currency retention requirements have challenged exporters, particularly when the gap between the auction and parallel-market rate has grown to such extremes, and international firms have faced challenges repatriating profits. The GOZ raised the forex surrender requirement from 30 to 40 percent in January 2021, leaving exporters with even less operating capital. Currently, exporters retain only 60 percent of their foreign currency earnings, with the central bank forcing them to convert the remainder at the disadvantageous willing-buyer/willing-seller rate. The RBZ directed on June 27 that 25 percent of the retained amount will be liquidated at the willing-buyer/willing-seller rate after 120 days from the date of receipt of the export proceeds. ff782bc1db

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