The Benefits of Using a Cloud Content Delivery Service

What are Content Delivery Network Services?

The Cloud Content Delivery Network Services are the networks of servers which are distributed across the globe and are located at various strategic locations across the world. The prominent function of cloud delivery services is to provide web content like images, videos and other dynamic assets to the users in an efficient and reliable manner. In these services, when the content is being requested by the user from the website, the location of the users is then determined by the CDN and the content is provided form that server which is closest to the user.

Advantages of Content Delivery Services?

1) Decrease  Server Load:

As we know that CDN is a network of those servers which are distributed globally in order to deliver content from the closest location of the user, it is not just a one main server that stores the content from the device of the user that retrieves data packets. Because of being located or placed at vast and strategic locations, there is no chance that any server can get overloaded. Instead, it frees up the overall capacity of the server which then serves a number of users simultaneously. This not only helps in bringing down the bandwidth but also reduces the cost of delivery.

2) Improves Performance and Speed of the Website:

The Abacus Cloud’s Content delivery services prove to be quite helpful for those businesses which are totally dependent upon their website for delivering the content in the quickest way possible. Let’s take an example of an e-commerce business, where shoppers who visit the website are converted immediately into the customers to increase the sales. So, if any delay occurs in their page loading time, it can cause drop-offs, as users will bounce off and exit the site and they may even choose a website that is of your competitor.

However, with CDNs, it is possible for businesses to provide high-performance delivery of website content by storing the content on that CDN server which is nearest to the end user. The content may be in the form of HTML code, image files, JS or any other dynamic content.

By this, it gets easier for the end-user to have access to the page or content on the website without waiting for their request to reach the origin server, as they can easily get it from their closest server. Thereby, this global content distribution leads to decreased delay for the user and improves the performance of the website by providing better response times.

Moreover, the speed of the site is one of the major components of SEO, as it ensures that a website is optimised properly for the ease of the crawlers of the website. Thereby, leading to high gains in this crucial marketing channel.

3) Audience Segmentation according to User Analytics:

Cloud content delivery service offers a valuable insight on the audience and this benefit of them is often overlooked. These delivery services are responsible for approximately half of the world’s internet traffic, as a vast amount of data is collected by them regarding the users like their internet connectivity, usage of device etcetera. These are being translated into helpful analytics which are used in the decision making process.

A rich source of information which is provided by user analytics like real-time statistics, per customer capacity and the areas that are most active, is used to get information about trends and the consumption patterns of the content. These insights can be used by businesses to assist their developers in optimising the website and improve the experience of the users, which may lead to more sales and conversions.

4) Reduced Latency and loss of Packet:

When information which is sent from a website to the end-user or which is transmitted over the devices on the internet is sent in the form of packets. These packets which may also be called small units have information about the addresses of network os source and destination, detection of errors and rules implemented for correction.

5) Advanced Website Security:

Cloud content delivery services are also called secure content delivery services, as they improve the security of the website. In these services, as the content is distributed across multiple servers, there is no chance of overloading one server and this thing acts as a powerful source against cyber attacks. It proves to be quite helpful during DDoS attacks, where attackers try to overload an important DNS server by sending a large volume of requests.

6) Content Availability:

The businesses are required to ensure high content availability on their website because of today’s media-rich internet and increasing customer demands. This higher traffic leads to higher pressure on the origin server to protect the website from crashing. However, The Abacus Cloud Solutions’ CDNs lead network optimisation by absorbing all of the traffic and distributing it over distributed infrastructure.

Overall, the benefits of the Cloud delivery services are abundant and the major one’s include improving website  performance, reduced latency and advanced security. 

For more information, contact The Abacus Cloud at +917696721675.