
Pierre Arthuis (University of Surrey) - Automated tools for nuclear theory: diagram generation and evaluation for many-body methods (pdf file, 1.9 Mb)

Aurel Bulgac (UW, Seattle) - From the Schrödinger many-body equation to the Density Functional Theory description of static and time-dependent phenomena (pdf file here, 38Mb or pptx file here, 232Mb)

Carlos Bertulani (Texas A&M, Commerce) - Ab-initio calculation of tunneling of composite objects (pdf file, 32 Mb)

Pierre Capel (University of Mainz) - Using Halo EFT to bridge the gap between ab initio nuclear-structure prediction and nuclear-reaction calculations (pdf file, 1.7 Mb)

Gianluca Colò (University of Milan) - (A few) new ideas and tests for nuclear Energy Density Functionals (pdf file, 40.1 Mb)

Pawel Danielewicz (MSU/FRIB) - Nuclear slabs in terms of Green’s functions: collective oscillations with short-range correlations

Mehdi Drissi (University of Surrey) - Renormalisation of pionless EFT for many-body approximations: a systematic approach (pdf file, 5.4Mb)

Alexandros Gezerlis (University of Guelph, Canada) - From alpha clustering to homogeneous matter (pdf file, 5 Mb)

Alex Gnech (Gran Sasso) - Calculation of 6Li ground state within the Hyperspherical Harmonic basis (pdf file, 2Mb)

Gaute Hagen (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) - Advances in coupled-cluster computations of atomic nuclei (pdf file, 5.4Mb)

Or Hen (MIT) - Probing the NN interaction and ab-initio many-body calculations using Short-Range Correlations and the Generalized Contact Formalism

Felipe Isaule (University of Manchester) - Cold quantum gases from functional renormalisation (pdf file, 1 Mb)

James Keeble (Surrey) - Solving the many-body nuclear problem with neural networks (pdf file, 719 kB)

Andrea Idini (Lund University) - Development of optical potentials from self consistent Green’s functions (pdf file, 7.7 Mb)

Petr Navrátil (TRIUMF, Canada) - The challenge of a better understanding of the three-nucleon force (pdf file, 7.3 Mb)

Takaharu Otsuka (CNS, University of Tokyo) - Ab initio studies on the dripline of the Island-of-Inversion nuclei

Francesco Pederiva (University of Trento) - First steps towards simulating quantum dynamics of nucleons on a quantum chip

Artur Polls (University of Barcelona)

Alessandro Roggero (INT, Seattle) - Quantum computing for nuclear physics (pdf file, 11.8 Mb)

Alexander Tichai (CEA, Saclay) - Pre-processing techniques in nuclear many-body theory

Vittorio Somà (CEA, Saclay) - Recent progress in self-consistent Green’s function calculations (pdf file, 16.2 Mb)

Isaac Vidaña (INFN, Catania) - Single-particle spectral function of the Λ hyperon in finite nuclei (pdf file, 6.8 Mb)

Corbinian Wellenhofer (TU Darmstadt) - Nuclear matter and dilute Fermi systems from effective field theory (pdf file 10.9 Mb)