Ab initio nuclear theory workshop

from breakthroughs to applications

University of Surrey 24-26 July 2019

Workshop photo


The program for the workshop is now available here (pdf file, 180KB).

Workshop Rationale

Recent breakthroughs in nuclear theory have allowed for a real explosion of first-principles predictions for nuclear physics. The so-called ab initio revolution is providing a plethora of key, valuable results which are able to connect nuclear properties to the underlying theory of the strong interaction. The groundwork on the field is now well established and, in the present consolidation phase, ab initio nuclear theory has become a mainstream resource in nuclear physics. But, with a diverse set of tools at the practitioner’s disposal and a wide range of experimental possibilities available, it is time to think about the challenges for the next generation of ab initio nuclear theory.

We aim at organising a meeting that will focus on the theme of what next in ab initio theory? We feel this is vital to make progress in the wider picture of nuclear structure and reactions, but also in an attempt to connect to other relevant global challenges, ranging from astrophysics to nuclear technology. We anticipate discussions on:

  • Technical challenges: the precision frontier, the limits of mass number and nuclear properties;
  • Computational and statistical techniques to guide the quantification of theoretical uncertainties, and
  • Physics opportunities: neutrino oscillations, physics beyond the standard model, hypernuclear physics.

This 3-day workshop is a satellite of the International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019, which will be held in Glasgow immediately afterwards (29th July to 2nd August 2019).

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