PlantAmigo App

A one-stop platform for all your plant needs


PlantAmigo is the go-to platform for plant care and gardening needs. Our responsive website allows users to diagnose plants, connect with a plant community, shop for plants and gardening essentials, and explore informative blogs. Features like "My Garden" offer personalized tips for nurturing plants.


Many plant parents face challenges in properly caring for their houseplants, from identifying issues like pests or diseases to finding reliable information on plant care and gardening. Without a centralized platform, they may struggle to connect with other plant enthusiasts or access resources to improve their plant parenting skills. 

The Goal

The goal is to create a website that will help users easily diagnose and solve plant issues, connect with a supportive community, shop for essentials, and stay updated on the latest gardening trends.

My Role

As the sole creator of this project, my role encompasses Project manager, UX/UI designer, and Visual Designer.

Time Spent: 3 weeks

Target Audience

Plant enthusiasts of all experience levels, from novice indoor gardeners to seasoned outdoor landscapers, who seek comprehensive plant care solutions, community interaction, and access to a wide range of gardening products and resources.


Research: Understanding the User


Pain Points

Difficulty in diagnosing plant issues:

Identifying and resolving common problems like pests, diseases, and nutrient deficiencies is challenging, causing frustration and uncertainty.

Lack of access to reliable information:

Finding trustworthy resources on plant care techniques and troubleshooting tips is difficult, hindering successful plant nurturing.

Limited community support:

Users desire a supportive community for advice, tips, and sharing experiences, emphasizing the need for accessible platforms.

Inconvenience sourcing quality products:

Obtaining high-quality plants and gardening essentials at affordable prices and convenient locations is challenging, highlighting the importance of streamlined purchasing processes. 

User Personas


Priya is a tech-savvy individual with a passion for indoor gardening who needs a comprehensive and accessible platform for diagnosing and addressing issues with her house plants because she encounters difficulties in identifying and resolving plant problems.


Rahul is a passionate writer who has been living with a visual impairment since birth. Despite facing challenges, he leads an active and independent life, relying on assistive technologies and adaptive strategies to navigate his surroundings. Rahul has recently developed an interest in indoor gardening as a therapeutic hobby to relax and unwind after long hours of writing.

Defining the Problem Statement: 

Plant parents find challenges in diagnosing plant issues, accessing reliable information, finding community support, and finding quality products.

User Journey Map




Three Direct Competitors of PlantAmigo are:


Information Architecture

Ideation: Starting the Design Process

Paper Wireframes

Based on the core features identified through user research, I created initial wireframes using pen and paper. Subsequently, I sketched paper wireframes for each website screen, ensuring to address user pain points throughout the design process.

Digital Wireframe

After creating several paper wireframes, I transitioned to digital wireframes. 

My main goal was to include all the features and services on the homepage of the website to grab users' attention and encourage them to explore further.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

Usability Testing

Usability study: Parameters

Study Type: Unmoderated Usability Study

Location: Mumbai, India, Remote

Participants: 5 participants, 3 Females, 2 Males between ages of 20-50

Duration: 20-30mins

Usability study: Insights

These were the main findings uncovered by the usability study: 

Community Icon: Users were not able to understand the community icon and therefore couldn’t navigate to it

Services Carousel: Users weren’t able to understand the carousel and what services it provides

Components: There was no visual consistency throughout the website. The cards and carousels were all different shaped and no consistency was there

Iteration: Refining the Design

Design System

Final Product

Based on insights from the usability studies, I applied design changes such as changing the navigation bar by removing the icon and adding the title to the Plant Community page.





Screen Size Variations

High-Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility considerations



Challenges I faced included conducting thorough research to inform design decisions, recruiting participants for usability studies, visualizing the website's unique layout compared to mobile apps, and establishing elements and visual identity without an existing brand identity. After iterating a few times I could push through the challenges and achieve the goal.

What I learned: 

Throughout the project, valuable insights were gained by understanding the diverse needs of users, leading to iterative design improvements. The importance of clear communication and user-centric features emerged, highlighting the significance of continuous testing and adaptation to enhance overall usability.

Next Steps