AAS Kentucky Area Meeting 2020


Kentucky Area Meeting March 7th 2020

9:00 — 9:30 Registration


9:30 Welcome & UGC 2885 "Rubin's Galaxy" - A Gentle Giant - Benne Holwerda

9:45 Reprojecting the optical diagnostic diagrams - Xihan Ji

10:00 The Evolution of Gamma-Ray Emission from Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies - Tim Hamilton

10:15 — 11:00 COFFEE & Posters


11:00 A Study of the Quasar PKS2135-147 - Parker Poulos

11:15 Using the Nearby Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1566 as a Model for Changing Look AGN - Rebecca Mikula

11:30 HST insights into the missing piece of the AGN feedback puzzle: The role of disk winds - Maryam Dehghanian

11:45 Long-term Monitoring of Active Galactic Nuclei with the NASA Swift mission. - Dirk Grupe

12:00 Long Term monitoring campaigns for the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies PG 1211+143 and RX J1117+65 with Swift - Dylan Grupe

12:15 A New Way to Detect Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei via Spatially-Resolved Hubble Space Telescope Grism Emission Line Ratios - Joanna Bridge

12:30—13:30 LUNCH and Posters

Vera Rubin Observatory

13:30 Invited talk: The Vera Rubin Observatory and making a movie of the night sky - Gautham Narayan

14:15 Update on Euclid-LSST for KARL - Gerry Williger

14:30 Invited talk: A global assessment of the cosmic evolution of metals and baryons - Chris Howk

15:15-15:30 Break

Transients and Stars

15:30 Star Spot Distribution in Kepler Young Solar Analogs - Rae Stanley

15:45 Magnetic Energy Storage, Current System Evolution, and Solar Flares of N.O.A.A. A.R.11283 - Alanna Sacra Cavins

16:00 Kepler’s Universe of Stars - Chris Graney

16:15 Stellar Science in Ground-Based Follow-up of TESS Data - John F Kielkopf

Recovering Orbital Periods for Stellar Companions - Nathan De Lee


16:30 The Galactic Chemical Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Phosphorus - Zachary G Maas

16:45 Observations of the Orion Veil in all four 18 cm OH Absorption Lines - Amber Moore

17:00 Wavelength-Dependent Extinction and Grain Sizes in “Dippers" - Michael Sitko

17:15 Closing and KAAS Officers meeting


Gas properties of galaxy group MKW4 beyond R_vir using Suzaku and Chandra observation - Arnab Sarkar

Locating edge-on galaxies using CIGALE models. - Christopher Henry

Multi-wavelength Observations of High Magnetic Field Pulsars J1809-1943, J1847-0130, and J1821-1419 - Colby Winters

Commissioning Observations of Transiting Exoplanets with the NKU 14-inch Telescope - David Dodge

Green Valley Galaxy Morphology - Dominic M. Smith

Investigating the Photo-Polarimetric Variability in CQ Tau - Korash Assani

The Loneliest Galaxies In the Universe: A Study On The On the Morphology Of Void Galaxies. - Lori Porter

Analysing Hitomi X-ray Observation of Perseus Core Spectra with Cloudy: A new Diagnostic on Column Density from Case A to B Transition - Priyanka Chakraborty

Substructure in the Globular Cluster Populations of the Virgo Cluster Elliptical Galaxies M84 and M86 - Ryan Lambert

A Simple One-Parameter Model: Dimming Depends on Host Stellar Mass - Wade Roemer

Galaxy and Mass Assembly: A Comparison Between Galaxy-Galaxy Lens Searches in KiDS/GAMA

Shawn M Knabel