Terms of Services & Commission Process

Last Updated: 02/13/2022

Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you agree to the following :

  • You acknowledge that I am a digital illustrator and my works are within the digital medium. There will be no shipping of any physical goods.

  • My work is strictly for personal or private use only and I do not allow my art to be used for commercial purposes or for the purposes of NFTs.

  • As an artist, I still maintain absolute and all rights to my works; which includes selling prints of my works, commissioned or not, unless discussed beforehand or accorded by the client.

  • Neither the commissioner or anyone else is allowed to redistribute, edit, copy or remove my watermark from the commissioned work / finished product.

  • Claiming my art as your own, including paid commissions are explicitly prohibited.

  • Credits are explicitly given anytime my art is showcased by linking back to one of my socials or credits to me (@ Aaronsaur ; the artist).

  • No one is allowed to utilize my artwork/illustrations as a NFT (Non Fungible Token), I will not partake in cryptocurrenices and NFTs.

Process and Payment Details

  • I reserve the right to reject / decline an order if I determine the situation to be uncomfortable to work with or I am unable to work on it.

  • Full payment will be sent via Paypal invoice only, prior to sketch approval or beforehand.

  • Editing during the process of the commission can be only made during the sketching phase. Once the sketch is approved I will be working on the line art → flat colour → shading → background (Depending on the type of commission).

  • WIPS can be requested by the client, if desired.

  • Depending on the requested artwork type, the process / turnaround time of the commission’s completion can vary between 2 weeks to 1~2 months.

  • The completed product will be delivered to the client where communication was made with the client. For instance, if the communication was made with the client over discord, the commissioned work will be delivered there.

  • Charge backs or refunds are only applicable when I cannot complete the requested commissions. However if you do like to discuss a refund you can contact me anytime for any clarifications.

  • Depending on the commission status, refunds will be available in different percentages;

    1. Total Refund - will be given if I haven’t started working on the clients commission or I am unable to complete your order.

    2. 70% - Will be refunded at the sketching phase

    3. 40% - Will be refunded at the lining phase

    4. 10% - Will be refunded during the base colouring phase

    5. NO Refund - Will be given during or past the shading phase and/or the finished commission

Order Sheet and How to Order

Order Sheet:

  • Your name/name you would like to be referred as:

  • Email and/or other contacts: (Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, Email)

  • References: (I will not accept stray links, references must be put together and clear to view)

  • Commission Type: (Sketch, Character Illustration,etc. Please Look at commission prices to specify the type you want!)

  • Other/Extras: (i.e. : Character’s name, personality, brief bio (if applicable), pose/expression, details/elements, etc.)

  • Background: (transparent / flat coloured / flat coloured with gradient)

How to Order:

  1. Contact me via any of my social media outlets!

  2. I will either confirm or decline you a slot (Declining a slot will only occur when desired slot has been filled, if the commissioner is acting unpleasantly, or if the status of this art shop is closed).

  3. After conformation please privately message me with the following information (Email, Discord, Tumblr, Instagram or Twitter):

    • paypal email.

    • the order sheet (filled out)

  4. I will then send a invoice in paypal once I have seen the information.

  5. Once I received your payment I will start working on the commission.

  6. in a few days( or just a day), I'll send you a rough sketch to be approved or changed and another one with base colors. (Giving me artistic freedom is also a choice too!)

  7. I always check my dms. Feel free to contact me if you need my current progression on your request!

*If I don't reply: please contact me by private messages on discord!

Types of requests that I will not work with/on

I will not work on

  • Stolen characters or art replicas

  • Hateful or discriminatory content

  • Heavy NSFW

  • NSFW featuring real or canonical or apparent minors

  • Works that display(s) kinks

  • Offensive content

  • Heavy mecha

  • Eye-burning colors

  • Heavily complex designs