
Deadlock Movie Analyzer

  • Design and implement a web application for users to browse movies and analyze movie data.
  • Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL, MongoDB

Stein Dashboard

  • Develop a web application for researchers to check survey statistics such as participant's names, survey response rate, last response date, etc. and filter for desired data.
  • Technologies: PHP and MySQL on Windows Server 2012 R2 IIS.

E-commerce website: Air Run Inc.

  • Create a web application that fetches information from other sites and displays hardware product information.
  • This application also records user history to display relevant and popular products.
  • Technologies: Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL

Parity Error Detection Game

  • Create a fun games about parity error detection.
  • Users can set up a board by choosing the right most column and the bottom row. Once the user starts the game, one of the bits will be flipped. The objective of the game is to find the flipped bit.
  • Technologies: Java and built on Greenfoot GUI

Flabfix Movies and Database

  • Implement a web application for:
    • Users: search and order movies.
    • Admins: add movies through web interface.
  • Set up a Java application for admins to add movies from CSV file.
  • Technologies: JavaScript, Java Servlet, MySQL, and host the website on Amazon AWS Ubuntu server.

Java Web Search

  • Build a web search program to retrieve relevant and useful information on UCI website based on user’s query.
  • Technology: Java