Games and Graph Searching in Atlantic Canada

AARMS Collaborative Research Group


Our goal is to foster scientific collaboration in the fields of Combinatorial Game Theory and Graph Searching, to provide outstanding educational opportunities and build expertise, and to raise interest and competencies in math among the general public and school children.   This will be achieved through various activities, including regular online seminars, biannual research meetings, workshops for undergraduate and graduate students, and seminars for high school educators.  We are also committed to the ongoing training of students in the fields of Combinatorial Game Theory and Graph Searching through undergraduate summer research placements, supervision of graduate projects, and support of postdoctoral fellows. 

Come work with us! 

Are you interested in doing research in graph searching? Are you currently a student looking for a supervisor? We want to hear from you! Check out our student supervision page for more information on who is currently accepting undergraduate students, graduate students, or postdoctoral fellows.

Steering Committee

Open Problems