
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

The summer school will be held in Room 1632-201 at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 6B, DK-8000 Aarhus.

Getting Here

For detailed descriptions, please see here. Here are some excerpts

To Aarhus

Aarhus can be reached by train or plane (via Aarhus, Billund, or Copenhagen). The railstation is located in the center of Aalborg. Getting from Aarhus Airport to the city center takes about 50 minutes by bus (90 minutes from Billund airport). While tickets for airport buses can be purchased from the driver, tickets inside Aarhus can only be purchased in the Midttrafik App.

City center to AIAS building

AIAS is located at 15 minutes walking distance from the city center (30 minutes from the station). Alternatively, you can take Bus 1A, Bus 14, Bus 17, or Bus 33


There are a variety of hotels in Aarhus. For instance, there are the following options