NVC SET2025 Registration
등록 및 전체 팀 훈련 일정(Registration and Training Schedule):
1. 등록:
쉼터로뎀 등록데스크: 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 (3주간), 9:30AM - 1:30PM
온라인(online) : 구글폼 작성/제출(Google Form) 2/2일 부터.
*EW-Canada와 Youth-LA 등록은 각 부서에서 별도로 등록받습니다.
2. 훈련.
- 일시: 3/15일 10:30분-오후2:00, 장소 : 교회 교육관 Light House 채플
- 온라인 클래스 : 추후 공지.
3. 선교바자 봉사 : 4월 (TBD)
1. Registration:
Onsite: 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 (3 weeks), 9:30AM - 1:30PM @SwimTeoRodem Registration desk
Online : Google Form (Starts from Feb. 2)
*EW-Canada and Youth-LA registrations are handled separately by the respective departments.
2. Training: March
- Date: March 15, 10:30-2:00 PM, Location: Church Education Center Light House Chapel
- Online Class: To be announced later.
3 Missionary Bazaar Volunteer : April (TBD) SET2024선교바자 동영상
콜롬비아 의료선교(Colombia-Medical): 치과의사 필요(Dentist only)마감되었습니다(Closed)
기간(Trip Period) : 3/28-4/5
인원(Number of participants): 6
대상(Age group) : 장년 (Adults)
팀장(Team leader) : 김주용(JooYoung Kim)
사역(Mission work details) : 백내장 수술 및 안과 검진 의료 보조, 치과 진료(Help medical services of eye clinic and surgery. Dental service)
콜롬비아(Colombia)-Open to youth as well
기간(Trip Period) : 6/16-6/26
인원(Number of participants): 10 Adult/6 Youth/ Dental 4
대상(Age group) : 장년/중고등/영어예배 (Adults/youth/EW)
팀장(Team leader) : 김애경(Aekyung Kim)
사역(Mission work details):
VBS,치과및 의료사역,청소년사역(VBS, dental and medical ministry, youth ministry)
태국-치앙마이(Thailand-Chiang Mai)-Open to youth as well
기간(Trip Period) : 6/22-7/1
인원(Number of participants): 10
대상(Age group) : 장년 (Adults)
팀장(Team leader) : 한석진(Seokjin Han)
사역(Mission work details) :
어린이사역, 영어캠프, VBS,난민사역, 고아원 방문 (Children’s ministry, Eng. camp, VBS, refugee ministry, Visiting orphanages)
기간(Trip Period) : 8/25-9/4
인원(Number of participants): 8
대상(Age group) : 장년 (Adults)
팀장(Team leader) : 한경미(Gyoungmi Han)
사역(Mission work details) :
전도, 위생, VBS, 우물사역(Evangelism, Hygiene, VBS, Well ministry)
SET2024 선교 동영상(Video clip of SET2024)
기간(Trip Period) : 8월말-9월초 ( End of Aug.)
인원(Number of participants): 12
대상(Age group) : 장년 (Adults)
팀장(Team leader) : 유상원(Sangwon Yoo)
사역(Mission work details) :
시리아난민 선교,심방 사역,난민청소년 방과후 캠프 및 운동회(Syrian refugee mission, visitation ministry, refugee youth after-school camp and sports activities.)
SET2024 선교 동영상(Video clip of SET2024)
기간(Trip Period) : 10월 (Oct.)
인원(Number of participants): 8
대상(Age group) : 장년/청년(Adults/Young-Adults)/computer teacher
팀장(Team leader) : 미정(TBD)
사역(Mission work details) :
난민 선교, 컴퓨터, 영어, 한국어, 여성 마이크로 미션 비지니스, 복음전도 등
Refugee missions, computers, English, Korean, women's micro-mission business, evangelism, etc.
N국(NK@South Korea)
기간(Trip Period) :9/25-10/4
인원(Number of participants): 8
대상(Age group) : 장년 (Adults)
팀장(Team leader) : 국영섭(YoungSub Koog)
사역(Mission work details) :
탈북자사역,탈북교회 사역, 숭실대 북한학과 방문, Reah 국제집회 (North Korean defector ministry, North Korean defector church ministry, visit to Soongsil University North Korean Studies Department, Reah International Conference)