Aamir Mahmood
Assistant Professor (tenure track)
Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering
Mid Sweden University (MIUN)
Sundsvall, Sweden
Adjunct Professor
School of Electrical and Computer Science (SEECS)
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: firstname.lastname@miun.se
Phone: +46 (0)10-1427869
Profiles: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Linkedin
Short Bio (see extended CV)
Dr. Aamir Mahmood is a (tenure-track) assistant professor in wireless communications, focusing on industrial applications, at the research group Communication Systems and Networks at Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden. Dr. Aamir collaborates with national/international industrial and academic partners, which has been instrumental in developing the expertise and knowledge of translating cross-industrial needs to design multi-purpose industrial IoT networks. Dr. Aamir has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications in wireless communications, actively contributing to 5G-and-beyond networks for Industrial IoT, 5G-TSN integration, AI/ML for radio network optimization and management, RF interference and coexistence management, network time synchronization, and wireless positioning. He has received several awards, including the Nokia Foundation, Ericsson Research Foundation, STINT grants, IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT Best Student Journal Paper Award, and IEEE WCNC’13 best paper award. He has served as publication chair and work-in-progress co-chair for IEEE WFCS in 2019 and 2023. He is an IEEE senior member.
Research Interests
Industrial IoT
Radio Resource and Network Management
RF Coexistence and Interference Management
Intelligent Wireless Edge
Time Synchronization
5G-TSN Integration
Wireless Positioning
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Got 3 papers accepted to IEEE Globecom 2023
News, Awards, Grants
June 2023: Received Cooperation Funding under Swedish Institute (SI) Baltic Sea Neighbourhood Programme
June 2023: Received Interreg Aurora funding for the joint project "Ensure-6G" with the University of Oulu
May 2023: Received STINT Initiation grant for collaboration with Prof. Zhu Han, University of Houston, Texas, USA
October 2022: Adjunct professor at NUST, Pakistan
November 2022: Awarded IEEE Sweden VT-COM-IT Best Student Journal Paper Award
September 2021: Completed Research Leader Initiative Training at Mid Sweden University
May 2017: Ericsson Research Foundation Grant for a research visit to Prof. Merouane Debbah at CentraleSuperlec
April 2013: Awarded the best paper award at IEEE WCNC
October 2012: Received Nokia Foundation grant for fast processing Ph.D. studies
August 2006: Awarded funding for Masters leading to Ph.D. by NUST, Pakistan.