How Literature shaped me?

Literature has shaped me in many different ways like opens my eyes and makes me see more than just the obvious. It helps me realize the wide world outside, surroundings. It changed  my perspective about things, people and events. It broadens the horizon of my mind. Literature has developed my critical thinking skills and made me more thoughtful and it helped me to form my own opinions. Even reading and studying different novels , plays, poems from different literatures has expanded my knowledge towards different literature like American, African and Contemporary etc and I have  learned to think independently. More than literature my digital skills are also improved.That's how literature shaped me.

 Window as Metaphor for Shaping Literature

Literature has been like a window for me, allowing me to see the world in new and different ways. When I read books, poems, or plays, I feel like I'm looking through a clear pane of glass that opens up onto all kinds of experiences and perspectives.

Through literature I have been able to explore different cultures, historical periods, and ways of thinking. I've been able to step into the characters who are vastly different from me, and to understand their struggles, joys, and motivations. Like a window that lets in light and fresh air, literature has brought freshness and vitality to my life.The window of literature has also revealed some darker truths about the world. It has shown me the ways in which people can be cruel, unjust, and destructive for example Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde novella by Robert Louis Stevenson. Good and Evil side.The window of literature has shaped me in profound ways, expanding my horizons, deepening my empathy, and challenging my assumptions.