Professor KyungTae Lim
With a rich academic background, I have been lucky to study at esteemed institutions such as Ecole Normal Superieure (ENS) in Paris, Leipzig University in Germany, and KAIST in Korea, where I pursued my Ph.D. and Master's degrees. Through these remarkable experiences, I have discovered my passion for engaging in meaningful conversations, immersing myself in diverse cultures, and exploring innovative techniques. The journey has been truly rewarding, as I have had the pleasure of meeting incredible individuals who inspire me and fuel my optimistic aspirations. Now, it is my turn to give back and share the knowledge and skills I have acquired.
If you have any inquiries about my background or the lab I am affiliated with, I invite you to reach out to me at (ktlim AT
임경태 서울과학기술대학교 인공지능응용학과 MLP 연구실 (Multimodal Language Processing Lab.)
Doctoral: École Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris-France, Major : Language Science, Multilingual Dependency Parsing and Natural Language Understanding. Advisor : Prof. Thierry Poibeau (LATTICE, ENS)
Master: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, Major : Computer Science, Natural Language Processing. Advisor : Prof. Key-Sun Choi.
Bachelor: Dankook University, South Korea. Computer Science.
Work Experience
(2023 ~ ) Assistant Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Korea.
(2021 ~ 2023 ) Assistant Professor, Hanbat National University, Computer Engineering, Korea.
(2020 ~ 2021) Senior Researcher, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Korea.
(2019) Research Internship, Amazon Research Cambridge - Alexa Machine Learning, Natural Language Understanding, Cambridge-England.
(2014 ~ 2016) Researcher, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
(2010 ~ 2012) Software Engineer, SamSung SDS, Korea.
Teaching Experience
Machine Learning, An offline class at Codelabs, "Machine Learning basics with Fake news detection" (
Data Analysis, An offline class at Codelabs, "Machine Learning for real-estate price predictions" (
Natural Language Processing, An online seminar at AIFrenz, "Introduction of semisupervised learning methods for NLP applications" (
초등학교 인성 능력상: 아버지, 우등상은 한번도 못받았어도 "밝게웃고 힘껏 뛰는 태도가 생활화 되어있음"을 지키고 살고있습니다...