"Design, Evaluation, Retrofit, and Resilience of the Buildings and Infrastructure"

Chair: Pr Amar CHAKER (USA)


Program Description:

The proposed program is intended to provide advanced training to doctoral students, and enhance their preparation and ability to conduct relevant, up-to-date research.

Major advances have taken place in the understanding of the hazards that the built environment is exposed to, and in the approaches for reducing disaster risk and enhancing the resilience of the built environment, i.e., its ability to reduce the impact of catastrophes and recover quickly after a disaster. The primary focus of the proposed program is disaster risk management and resilience, with emphasis on four hazards that are a major threat in Algeria: earthquakes, floods, wildfire, and technological hazards.


Covered topics:

The program will cover basic concepts, advanced techniques, and recent scientific and technological advances in:

The program will also include presentations on academic ethics, on writing a vita and a statement of research interests, on publishing papers, on useful sites and resources, as well as “blitz” presentations by doctoral students highlighting their research, followed by a question-and-answer period . 


Desired Learning Outcomes:

Participants will be exposed to the latest technologies and learn theoretical and practical knowledge on diverse relevant aspects of the design, construction, rehabilitation, and resilience of the built environment. The lecturers will guide and assist participants working in academia, research centers, and engineering design and construction companies to develop their skills, and will explore the possibility of building a network of researchers and practicing engineers in various fields in Algeria and abroad to consider future collaborative projects and initiatives.


Who Should Attend the Course? 

Doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, graduate students and practicing engineers in the design and construction industry will benefit from this program.

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"Civil Engineering" program