Microsoft Entra application proxy provides secure remote access to on-premises web applications. After a single sign-on to Microsoft Entra ID, users can access both cloud and on-premises applications through an external URL or an internal application portal. For example, Application Proxy can provide remote access and single sign-on to Remote Desktop, SharePoint, Teams, Tableau, Qlik, and line of business (LOB) applications.

Simple to use. Users can access your on-premises applications the same way they access Microsoft 365 and other SaaS apps integrated with Microsoft Entra ID. You don't need to change or update your applications to work with Application Proxy.

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Secure. On-premises applications can use Azure's authorization controls and security analytics. For example, on-premises applications can use Conditional Access and two-step verification. Application Proxy doesn't require you to open inbound connections through your firewall.

Application Proxy is a feature of Microsoft Entra ID that enables users to access on-premises web applications from a remote client. Application Proxy includes both the Application Proxy service which runs in the cloud, and the Application Proxy connector which runs on an on-premises server. Microsoft Entra ID, the Application Proxy service, and the Application Proxy connector work together to securely pass the user sign-on token from Microsoft Entra ID to the web application.

Application Proxy is recommended for giving remote users access to internal resources. Application Proxy replaces the need for a VPN or reverse proxy. It is not intended for internal users on the corporate network. These users who unnecessarily use Application Proxy can introduce unexpected and undesirable performance issues.

Connectors are what make Microsoft Entra application proxy possible. They're simple, easy to deploy and maintain, and super powerful. This article discusses what connectors are, how they work, and some suggestions for how to optimize your deployment.

Connectors are lightweight agents that sit on-premises and facilitate the outbound connection to the Application Proxy service. Connectors must be installed on a Windows Server that has access to the backend application. You can organize connectors into connector groups, with each group handling traffic to specific applications. For more information on Application proxy and a diagrammatic representation of application proxy architecture see Using Microsoft Entra application proxy to publish on-premises apps for remote users

To deploy Application Proxy successfully, you need at least one connector, but we recommend two or more for greater resiliency. Install the connector on a machine running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later. The connector needs to communicate with the Application Proxy service and the on-premises applications that you publish.

You need a server running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later on which you can install the Application Proxy connector. The server needs to connect to the Application Proxy services in Azure, and the on-premises applications that you're publishing.

The connectors and the service take care of all the high availability tasks. They can be added or removed dynamically. Each time a new request arrives it is routed to one of the connectors that is currently available. If a connector is temporarily not available, it doesn't respond to this traffic.

The connectors are stateless and have no configuration data on the machine. The only data they store is the settings for connecting the service and its authentication certificate. When they connect to the service, they pull all the required configuration data and refresh it every couple of minutes.

You can monitor your connectors from the machine they are running on, using either the event log and performance counters. Or you can view their status from the Application Proxy page of the Microsoft Entra admin center:

You don't have to manually delete connectors that are unused. When a connector is running, it remains active as it connects to the service. Unused connectors are tagged as inactive and are removed after 10 days of inactivity. If you do want to uninstall a connector, though, uninstall both the Connector service and the Updater service from the server. Restart your computer to fully remove the service.

If you don't want to wait for an automatic update to come to your connector, you can do a manual upgrade. Go to the connector download page on the server where your connector is located and select Download. This process kicks off an upgrade for the local connector.

Connector groups make it easier to manage large deployments. They also improve latency for tenants that have applications hosted in different regions, because you can create location-based connector groups to serve only local applications.

It is important to make sure you have planned enough capacity between connectors to handle the expected traffic volume. We recommend that each connector group has at least two connectors to provide high availability and scale. Having three connectors is optimal in case you may need to service a machine at any point.

In general, the more users you have, the larger a machine you'll need. Below is a table giving an outline of the volume and expected latency different machines can handle. Note it is all based on expected Transactions Per Second (TPS) rather than by user since usage patterns vary and can't be used to predict load. There will also be some differences based on the size of the responses and the backend application response time - larger response sizes and slower response times will result in a lower Max TPS. We also recommend having additional machines so that the distributed load across the machines always provides ample buffer. The extra capacity will ensure that you have high availability and resiliency.

This table also focuses on the expected performance of a connector based on the type of machine it is installed on. This is separate from the Application Proxy service's throttling limits, see Service limits and restrictions.

Connectors can be installed anywhere on the network that allows them to send requests to the Application Proxy service. What's important is that the computer running the connector also has access to your apps. You can install connectors inside of your corporate network or on a virtual machine that runs in the cloud. Connectors can run within a perimeter network, also known as a demilitarized zone (DMZ), but it's not necessary because all traffic is outbound so your network stays secure.

Connectors only send outbound requests. The outbound traffic is sent to the Application Proxy service and to the published applications. You don't have to open inbound ports because traffic flows both ways once a session is established. You also don't have to configure inbound access through your firewalls.

Scale for the Application Proxy service is transparent, but scale is a factor for connectors. You need to have enough connectors to handle peak traffic. Since connectors are stateless, they aren't affected by the number of users or sessions. Instead, they respond to the number of requests and their payload size. With standard web traffic, an average machine can handle a couple thousand requests per second. The specific capacity depends on the exact machine characteristics.

The connector performance is bound by CPU and networking. CPU performance is needed for TLS encryption and decryption, while networking is important to get fast connectivity to the applications and the online service in Azure.

In contrast, memory is less of an issue for connectors. The online service takes care of much of the processing and all unauthenticated traffic. Everything that can be done in the cloud is done in the cloud.

Connectors can run on a machine that is not domain-joined. However, if you want single sign-on (SSO) to applications that use integrated Windows authentication (IWA), you need a domain-joined machine. In this case, the connector machines must be joined to a domain that can perform Kerberos Constrained Delegation on behalf of the users for the published applications.

After the first successful certificate renewal the Microsoft Entra application proxy Connector service (Network Service) has no permission to remove the old certificate from the local machine store. If the certificate has expired or it won't be used by the service anymore, you can delete it safely.

If a connector is not connected to the service for several months, its certificates may be outdated. In this case, uninstall and reinstall the connector to trigger registration. You can run the following PowerShell commands:

The connectors have both Admin and Session logs. The Admin log includes key events and their errors. The Session log includes all the transactions and their processing details.

Microsoft Entra ID has an Application Proxy service that enables users to access on-premises applications by signing in with their Microsoft Entra account. To learn more about Application Proxy, see What is App Proxy?. This tutorial prepares your environment for use with Application Proxy. Once your environment is ready, use the Microsoft Entra admin center to add an on-premises application to your tenant.

To use Application Proxy, you need a Windows server running Windows Server 2012 R2 or later. You install the Application Proxy connector on the server. This connector server needs to connect to the Application Proxy services in Azure, and the on-premises applications that you plan to publish.

If you're installing the connector on Windows Server 2019 or later, you must disable HTTP2 protocol support in the WinHttp component for Kerberos Constrained Delegation to properly work. This is disabled by default in earlier versions of supported operating systems. Adding the following registry key and restarting the server disables it on Windows Server 2019. Note that this is a machine-wide registry key. 2351a5e196

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