AAAI FSS-20: Artificial Intelligence in Government and Public Sector

Note: this site has been updated with details of the current (2020) symposium. The proceedings for past symposia can be found below.

AI is becoming ubiquitous, being useful across societal, governmental, and public sector applications. However, AI in government at the federal, state, and local levels, and related education and public heath institutions (hereafter referred to as public sector) faces its own unique challenges. AI systems in the public sector will be held to a high standard since they must operate in support of the public good. They will face increased scrutiny and stringent requirements for ethical operation, accountability, transparency, fairness, security, explainability, cost-effectiveness, policy and regulatory compliance, and operation without unintended consequences.

We invite thoughtful contributions — papers and panel proposals — that present novel technical approaches to meeting these requirements and lessons learned from current implementations. We hope to provide some coverage on the use of AI to respond to the COVID-19 and rairness, either through paper presentations, panel discussions, or invited keynotes.


Potential topic areas include (in no particular order):

Technical papers that advance the state-of-the-art on applying AI in public sector applications — innovative approaches to solving the problems of building applications that meet the challenges described above.

  • Responsible, safe, and trustworthy

  • Verification and validation for deep learning

  • Privacy

  • Robustness and resiliency

  • Public sector interaction paradigms

  • Lleveraging ai innovation in open source

  • Operation and adaptation to multiple domains

Practice papers that describe current uses of AI in the public sector — applications that are early adopters of AI, role of public/private partnerships in accelerating development and adoption, timely response to societal challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic response (public health, medical, social, economic), and demonstrations of beta and in-production applications.

  • Early areas for adoption of AI

  • Role of public-private partnerships

  • Using AI to encourage public service innovation

  • Translating from .com to .gov

  • Systematic approach for the use of AI in the public sector

  • Cultivating AI literacy

  • AI engineering best practices

  • Incentivizing AI engineering best practices submissions

The symposium will include presentations of accepted papers in both oral and panel discussion formats, together with invited speakers and demonstrations. Potential symposium participants are invited to submit either a full-length technical paper or a short position paper for discussion. Full-length papers must be no longer than eight (8) pages, including references and figures and are required for those submitting technical papers as described above. Short submissions can be up to four (4) pages in length and can be used for practice papers as described above, work in progress, system demonstrations, or panel discussions.

For submission instructions see the full 2020 Call for Participation (PDF).

Organizing Committee

Frank Stein, Chair (IBM), Erik Blasch (USAF), Mihai Boicu (GMU), Lashon Booker (Mitre), Michael Garris (NIST), Mark Greaves (PNNL), Eric Heim (CMU-SEI), David Martinez (MIT-LL), Tien Pham (CCDC ARL), Alun Preece (Cardiff University), Peter Santhanam (IBM), Jim Spohrer (IBM)

Proceedings of Past Symposia

For older proceedings, see the AAAI Digital Library.