from 17 to 18 July 2023

AI x Metaverse

AAAI 2023 Inaugural Summer Symposium

at Singapore EXPO

A 2-day symposium featuring workshops, talks, panel discussions, poster and networking session

NEW : Photos and materials can be found here.

This symposium is part of the AAAI 2023 Inaugural Summer Symposium Series.

The rapid growth of AI and the emergence of metaverse technologies have opened up a new realm of possibilities for human-computer interactions. As these technologies continue to develop, it is essential to bring together experts from the fields of AI and metaverse to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in this area. More specifically, we aim to foster deep conversations and knowledge sharing on how AI enriches the Metaverse and vice versa, towards a synergistic AI x Metaverse ecosystem. For example, using the Metaverse for generating synthetic data in overcoming data scarcity and using such synthetic data towards the training of AI models which in turn may be further deployed in the Metaverse. On this, we are confident that many more such synergies and possibilities exist. Therefore, we propose a symposium on "AI and Metaverse: Exploring the Intersection of Two Disruptive Technologies."

The symposium will cover a wide range of topics, not limited to natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, human-computer interaction, ethics, and policy, among others. The symposium will be an excellent opportunity for participants to learn from each other, network, and form collaborations to advance the state of the art in this exciting area. 

Topics and areas of interest

We encourage participation on topics that explore pillars individually or at intersections. Examples of relevant submissions include (but are not limited to):


The symposium will feature two day workshop trainings, sessions of talks for researchers and practitioners to present their work, panel discussion, and a poster and networking session.