Money and Banking

Although titled "Money and Banking", this course teaches a variety of topics that are useful for students in economics, business, and finance.

So, choose topics you want to learn from the "Learning Plan" below, and jump to the relevant lecture videos.

Good luck!!

Learning Plan

Portfolio risk management


Insurance risk management

Banks' role and the four risks that banks face

1. Credit risk

2. Bonds, Interest rates, and Interest rate risk

3. Liquidity, and liquidity risk

4. Collateral risk

Microeconomics of hidden types and actions, and its applications to banking

Belief update, long-term relation, Reputation

Adverse selection, Signalling, and Collateral

Hidden actions, Moral hazard, and collateral

Financial Derivatives


Forward interest rates


Funds, Securitization, and Shadow banking


Securitization and shadow banking

Central bank, Monetary policy, Banking system, and Financial crisis


  • Slides 1 (Portfolio management and insurance)
  • Slides 2 (Credit risk)
  • Slides 3 (Interest rate risk)
  • Slides 4 (Liquidity risk and Collateral risk)
  • Slides 5 (Belief update and dynamic optimisation)
  • Slides 6 (Hidden type, Adverse selection, Mechanism design)
  • Slides 7 (Lack of commitment, Moral hazard)
  • Slides 8 (Derivatives with two-sided obligations)
  • Slides 9 (Options, State prices)
  • Slides 10 (Funds)
  • Slides 11 (Securitisation)
  • Slides 12 (Money, Central bank, and Monetary policy)
  • Slides 13 (Financial crisis)