
ARRL Field Day 2023

Thanks to the funding from the 2018 Wood County Farm Technology Days Show the Club has three of these go boxes with the anticipation to build three more. 

Field Day at Weber Park, Marshfield

Field Day at Weber Park, Marshfield

ARRL Field Day 2020, Cary Bluff 

ARRL Field Day 2020, Cary Bluff. Actually "in the field" with round bales to prove it.

ARRL Field Day 2020, Cary Bluff 

Antenna Building Workshop. 2 Meter Dipole

Field Day at Weber Park, Marshfield

ARRL Field Day 2020, Cary Bluff

ARRL Field Day 2020, Cary Bluff 

BIG GoBox!!! KD9OFH's Ham Van. It's a work in progress. 

Ham Van Deployed at Marshfield Fairgrounds for training.

Operating out of the Ham Van, made a contact to Washington State.

Project Day, 4/17/21. Antenna Build

Project Day 4/17/21. Go Box Build

Project Day 4/17/21. Go Box Build

Project Day 4/17/21. Go Box Build

Project Day 4/17/21. Go Box Build

Winter Field Day 2023