Workforce Development

Communications tools and handouts related to helping young people gain workforce skills and explore careers, supporting working parents, and expanding career and technical education (CTE). You’ll find an issue brief, message guides, factsheets, and example materials from states. The most recent and popular tools are featured at the top, and you’ll find more resources in the Workforce Google Drive. Find graphics related to this topic on the Graphics and Social Content page.

Featured Tools

This factsheet shows how investing in OST programs will help build Colorado’s future workforce and ensure that businesses can succeed and grow.

This one-pager was designed to raise awareness about how afterschool develops Montana's workforce and strengthens its economy.

Factsheet: Afterschool is a Game Changer: Supporting Working Families

This one-pager outlines how afterschool supports working families and the economy in Michigan. It was shared with lawmakers to make the case for investing in afterschool across the state.

Factsheet: This is Afterschool (Workforce)

A summary of research showing how afterschool is uniquely positioned to help address workforce gaps and prepare young people for the jobs of tomorrow.

Factsheet: This is Afterschool (CTE)

A summary about the benefits of partnerships between CTE and afterschool programs.

More Resources

Find more resources and state examples in the Workforce Google Drive.