Quality Wood Fences And Gates

Hire the Company that Gets It Done


The Right Fence Solutions for Value and Security

Choosing that you'll partner with for your following fence job is no tiny job. A wood fence is a lasting acquisition that you will deal with for years. We provide top-notch workmanship and also a wide option of products to satisfy all of your secure fencing needs.

Let us help you choose a household fencing that supplies the personal privacy you want and also the safety you need. We'll partner with you to find the fencing that best enhances your home and also your individual style..

Our procedure is straightforward. We pay attention to what you state, exactly how you say it and also make every effort to exceed your assumptions whenever. We know that a pleased consumer is our ideal advertising and marketing.

We are the appropriate valued leader in North Nevada as well as the Las Vegas valley. We provide top quality service, reasonable and also affordable pricing as well as a wide choice of possibilities for your job. Let's produce the outdoor space you will certainly be proud to show off to your close friends and neighbors.

Wood Fence Repairs and Care

Regular maintenance can help keep your wood fence looking like new. However, over time, exposure to the harsh elements will cause numerous problems for your fence, including rotting or cracked rails, panels, or posts. If this occurs, it's time to give your wood fence some extra-special care. Follow these simple tips on how to clean, repair, and maintain your wood fence.

Cleaning and repairing your wood fence involves more than just wiping away those pesky stains. In fact, you'll need to determine what caused the stain in the first place. With some staining, the culprit could be weathering from the sun. If you live in a part of the country that experiences prolonged and extreme sunlight, you may want to consider investing in a wood fence that is UV-treated. This will protect your fence from fading and cracking caused by exposure to direct sunlight.

Another possible culprit can be tracked in mud and rain. As you drive along your neighborhood street, you may notice small puddles of mud splashed along the way. As you approach your home, you may notice some splotches along the fence or near your gates as well.

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If you're noticing mud and puddles on your gates or fences, the first thing to do is to remove the mud and cleanup the area. Wood Fence installation professionals near you will be able to provide you with a chemical mud cleaner to effectively clean and treat your fences. After cleaning, you'll want to apply a stain guard to prevent future stains from eroding from exposure in the sun. Then, you'll want to apply pressure cleaning compound or valve epoxy to your gates and fences to ensure they are properly sealed and protected against the elements.

If no visible stains have been removed, you can still perform minor repairs yourself. As mentioned previously, repairing minor damage to your fence material is fairly easy and inexpensive. Small repairs include replacing a broken lock or string, repainting, or repainting with a different color. For larger repairs, such as for structures that have sustained severe weather, there are several options. Some homeowners choose to replace sections of their fences or railings, while others choose to replace the entire fence material altogether.

Many homeowners choose to repair their wood fences themselves. This is usually not a bad decision. However, if you're considering repairing your aluminum fences, you should take a little extra time to learn about wood fencing repair and care techniques. This will help you avoid costly mistakes. If you decide to repair your own fence material, you'll also save yourself a lot of time. Repairing your own garden sheds, wood decks, and garden furniture will only take a few hours of your time, making it an easy task that's worth the effort.