山本 章人

大規模ゲノム統計解析・医療データ共有のためのプライバシー保護手法の開発、差分プライバシー理論の (単なる応用・拡張や複雑化ではない) 本質的な深化を目指した研究を行っています (~ 2026/3 (予定))。

個人的な (研究の世界での) モチベーションは、社会に"役立つ"ことからはまったく離れたところにあり、アルゴリズムへの興味 (と理論に対する違和感) に特に依存しています。


メールアドレス: a-ymmt [at] ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp

GitHubページ: https://github.com/ay0408

所属: 渋谷研究室


Publications (研究のタネ):


Privacy-Optimized Randomized Response for Sharing Multi-Attribute Data

IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC) 2024, Jun 26-29, in press. [arxiv] [comments] ☆☆☆☆

A Joint Permute-and-Flip and Its Enhancement for Large-Scale Genomic Statistical Analysis,

IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (IEEE ICDMW) (TrustKDD: International Workshop on Trustworthy Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) 2023, Dec 1-4, pp.217-226. [paper] [comments]

Privacy-Preserving Publication of GWAS Statistics using Smooth Sensitivity,

Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (PST) 2023, Aug 21-23, pp.1-12. [paper] [comments] ★★

Privacy-Preserving Genomic Statistical Analysis Under Local Differential Privacy,

Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec) 2023, Jul 19-21, pp.40-48. [paper]

(ε, k)-Randomized Anonymization: ε-Differentially Private Data Sharing with k-Anonymity,

International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF) 2023, Feb 16-18, pp.287-297. [paper] [comments]

Efficient and Highly Accurate Differentially Private Statistical Genomic Analysis using Discrete Fourier Transform,

IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) 2022, Dec 9-11, pp.525-532. [paper] [comments] ★★

Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis of Genomic Data using Compressive Mechanism with Haar Wavelet Transform,

Privacy and Security Workshop at RECOMB 2022, May 24. [webpage] [biorxiv] (Journal ver.  → Journal of Computational Biology, 30(2))

Efficient Differentially Private Methods for a Transmission Disequilibrium Test in Genome Wide Association Studies

Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2022, Jan 3-7, pp.85-96. [paper]

Differentially Private Linkage Analysis with TDT --- the case of two affected children per family

IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM) 2021, Dec 9-12, pp.765-770. [paper


Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis of Genomic Data using Compressive Mechanism with Haar Wavelet Transform

Journal of Computational Biology, Volume 30, Issue 2, pp.176-188, 2023. [paper] [comments]  (Extended version of the same-titled RECOMB 2022 workshop paper.)

More practical differentially private publication of key statistics in GWAS

Bioinformatics Advances, Volume 1, Issue 1, vbab004, 2021. [paper] [comments]


Work Experience:

社会変革の源泉となる革新的アルゴリズム基盤の創出と体系化 (Group B04, アルゴリズム基礎理論の追究・発展), 文部科学省 科学研究費補助金 学術変革領域(A). [webpage]


Research Grants:






下に入るな   他人の人生を歩くな   上からの評価を信用するな   無能は黙って自分と向き合え

所詮おまけの人生   何やったっていい   いつ終わってもいいように   今の心に正直に
