Aim:  To understand the experience of American nursing students who complete a study abroad trip to a low-income country, Bangladesh, versus a high-income country, the Netherlands in the development of cultural consciousness.

Visitors to Bangladesh, who enter the country for the first time through the Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport in Dhaka, might get the wrong impression about the major languages spoken in the country. Even before disembarking the aircraft, the first thing they notice is the name of the airport in bold Arabic letters on top of the airport building, along with Bengali and English on two sides. There was no Arabic sign on public buildings and thoroughfares until the late 1970s, when religion was inserted in the Constitution by General Ziaur Rahman. The introduction of Islam as the "State Religion" by General Ershad in 1988 was a big step towards further Islamisation of the polity.

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However, these steps towards Arabisation and Islamisation were at best nothing more than symbolic gestures, in a country afflicted with tremendous identity crisis; and at worst politically motivated, opportunistic, and hypocritical.

Nevertheless, playing with people's religious sentiment for the sake of legitimacy by the rulers, and their appeasing the Islamist parties and individuals with Islamic symbols like Arabic signs, and Islam as "State Religion" have already backfired. Unabated cultural Arabisation and Islamisation in the long run could drag the country towards religious extremism.

However, due to the patronage of ultra-conservative Arab Muslims and their local adherents in Bangladesh, sections of Bangladeshi Muslims are fast indigenising ultra-orthodox Wahhabi-Salafi ideologies, practices and vocabulary. Meanwhile, many Bangladeshi Muslim women have adopted the previously unknown, the Middle Eastern hijab, which is a variant of the Lebanese Catholic nuns' habit. Muslim men and women in the country are fast adopting some weird and hitherto unfamiliar Arabic expressions and Arabian practices in the name of purifying their faith.

In sum, since the late 1970s, Muslims of Bangladesh have failed to distinguish between what is Islamic and what is Arab. Arabisation of the popular culture has become synonymous with the Islamisation process in Bangladesh. This synonymy is ominous. It has long-drawn implications for the country. Moderate Muslims, liberal/secular Bangladeshis, and the friends of Bangladesh need to understand the long-term consequences of this slow and steady transformation of the popular culture of Bangali Muslims. Cultural transformation of people is a major step towards their political orientation and makeover.

My country, Bangladesh, is one of several at risk of becoming submerged partially or completely by rising sea levels caused by climate change in the coming decades. 75 percent of the country lies below sea level.

All of this flooding and damage has taken an undeniable toll on the nation. Data demonstrates that between 2000 and 2019, Bangladesh suffered $3.72 billion dollars worth of economic losses due to climate change. Despite its low carbon output both historically and in the present-day, the country is disproportionately impacted by climate change due to its location.

As Dr Ashraful Islam Khan, Scientist (Enteric and Respiratory Infections) at the Infectious Diseases Division of the ICCDR,B put it, "In a long-term plan, the country has to ensure safe water and improve WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities to control the country's cholera situation. At the same time, vaccination will have to be continued as a preventive measure."

Describing the country's cholera situation, the DGHS official said though they received reports of cases, those cases didn't amount to an outbreak of alarming scale, meaning that the cholera situation is currently under control.

It has happened again! In the wake of the latest round of terror attacks in Bangladesh, with ISIS claiming credit for it, authorities in the country have again started resorting to the old response. Rejecting any ISIS involvement in terror attacks in Bangladesh as "propaganda", Home Minister Asaduzzaman Kamal poses the question: "Why will the ISIS come here?" One wonders if leaders in any terror-infested country would ever ask a similar question! We know ISIS is a global terrorist outfit waging a total war against everyone, Muslim or non-Muslim.

It's noteworthy that politicians and law-enforcers in Bangladesh either cry wolf about "impending terror attacks" in the country or they cry hoarse denying the existence of any international terrorist group.

Contrary to popular assumptions, neither the police nor armed forces are the most effective antidotes to terrorism. Since the police are mainly trained to maintain law and order, and prevent crime; and the military to defend the country from internal and external enemies, they have very limited understanding and role in counterterrorism (CT) operations. Even insurgencies, which are apparently war-like, are different from conventional warfare.

Climate change is tipping the country like a row of dominoes. The storms are damaging crops, leading to food shortages, which is also adding to the growing migration crisis. A large portion of those being forced to move are farmers. Millions of people in Bangladesh rely on rice farming for food and income. Rising sea levels are bringing salt water into crop lands, rendering the soil no longer viable. Salt water contamination is also affecting the drinking water sources of nearly 33 million people, leaving them more vulnerable to health problems such as hypertension, pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, and can also increase infant mortality. All these factors have caused the World Bank to predict 13 million people, mainly from coastal communities, will be forced to move towards the center of the country by 2050. Farmers and coastal residents head towards city regions like Dhaka, located in the heart of Bangladesh. But with a growing population twice the size of New York City and numerous infrastructure challenges like limited resources and funding, Dhaka cannot handle the mass of migrants seeking shelter every year. In order to avoid these issues, some migrants have to abandon their homeland and head across the border into India. It is estimated that nearly 20 million Bangladeshi migrants are already residing there illegally. However, with growing anti-immigration tensions rising and depleting resources, the situation could become violent.

But these issues are not being ignored by the Bangladesh government. They understand the severity of this crisis and remain dedicated to protecting their citizens and prioritizing the fight against climate change. More than $400 million was put into their Climate Change Trust to help finance climate adaptation and mitigation projects. The government is investing in building projects such as submersible roads that can withstand floods. In 2009, the country adopted a comprehensive climate action plan. They are also focusing on building a more resilient country by ensuring money for climate change planning is being spread through all their ministries, like housing, food, energy, and agriculture.

Just respect and observe. Bangladesh is a conservative country and it is advisable for women to wear long skirts or pants in public (Bangladeshi women wear saris like Indian women). Dress codes for men are more lax although they should refrain from wearing shorts in public. As well, showing someone the sole of your feet or shoe is considered an insult, and can lead to you being considered disrespectful.

Bangladeshis are very welcoming and willing to chat with strangers. All you have to do is introduce yourself. They extend al kinds of invitations and are very hospitable. If you want to decline don't say no directly say you are doing something else. [Source: The Traveler's Guide to Asian Customs & Manners by Elizabeth Devine and Nancy L. Braganti]

Sweets, flowers or fruit or something from your country are common gifts. Don't give pork or alcohol. People usually don't open their gifts in the presence of giftgivers. Gifts of money with odd numbers are thought to be auspicious. Moving into a new house is an occasion worthy of celebrating with a party.

Women usually wear a head scarf or some sort of head covering. It is often more important to keep the shoulders covered than the midriff area. Women in jeans or short skirts are seen in the cities but may offend some people in the countryside. Keep in mind also that shorts, exposed shoulders and short skirts are regarded unacceptable in mosques.

Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, Bangladesh Tourism Board, Bangladesh National Portal (, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Time, Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Wikipedia and various books, websites and other publications.

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Tarpaulins have holes deliberately made by strangers to harass women and girls inside their temporary homes, violating their privacy. Because of the lack of solid doors, women are also concerned about risks including sexual exploitation, assault and robbery. But everybody deserves better shelters. 2351a5e196

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