A sit-in at the white house

On March 7, 1965, civil rights activists prepared to march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in order to call attention to discriminatory voting policies and practices. The events of the day left the nation stunned and outraged.

Before you begin

To see what happened in Selma on March 7, 1965, watch the video for a firsthand account of what became to be known as "Bloody Sunday."

You are an aide to president Johnson

Your job is to assist and advise President Johnson on civil rights issues. The president will need your help in responding to the demonstrations that followed the events in Selma, Alabama. In order to advise the president, you will:

  • Observe events that happen in and around the White House on March 11, 1965.

  • Make a recommendation to President Johnson on how he should respond to these events.

  • Evaluate President Johnson's decision and actions.

It is important to record your observations and recommendations in your notebook in order to provide President Johnson with important details. When you see the notebook symbol, use your notebook to record the information you gather.