The following morning a CT scan indicated an ascending aortic aneurysm and a follow up EEG confirmed a defective aortic valve, a congenital defect which had never been diagnosed in 57 1/2 years. As the cardiologist explained full open heart surgery would be required, I was shocked. I was never in pain. I never fell to my knees clutching my chest. I never felt a 800 pound gorilla sitting on me. I have had this my whole life?

I will never forget your support of Debbie as long as I live. As tears fill my eyes, my pledge to you is that I will be there. My prayer is that if you never need my support, you all have it. To the best of my ability and until my last breath I promise to try to be the friend you have proven to be. Please just let me know.

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As the bills roll in and the totals move into very high numbers, I am thankful for insurance. I also wonder what those without insurance experience. I wonder about their quality of care. I wonder if they would have been in ICU 8 days. I wonder about the sacrifice their families must make for them to have care.

I wonder how they control their emotions so well when it is obvious that they know more than they can say. I wonder how they control their feelings when they know the outcome may very well be unfortunate. I wonder how they control their concern when there may be a better course of treatment. I wonder how they control all of these feelings and others when they go home and face all of the issues we all face at home with family.

I am thinking almost every one of us knows at least one nurse, and I am going to ask each one of you to thank that nurse in the next few days. Some of you will do more, some will do less, but please, the next time you encounter a nurse just say thank you for what they do. They are literally, indispensable.

When you are laying there scared, there is a blanket of comfort that can only be described as love. To see my wife, daughter, mom, brother, sisters in law, brothers in law, son in law, lifelong friends of the family, as well as more recent friend acquisitions, and of course, the Greatness of Tucker, my grandson, walk into my room immediately brought comfort and a feeling everything would be okay. I was in your hands of loving support as I fought my battle.

Deb and I had some tough conversations that week which served to not only bring us closer than ever but also after over 24 years of marriage remind us of our love for one another. Sometimes with words, sometimes with tears, the communication was at a level never before attained. I love you Deb. The hardest thing I have ever done is say goodbye to you the morning of my surgery.

I have said it before and I will say it again Lou Gehrig is now in second place. I AM THE LUCKIEST MAN IN THE WORLD. I am humbled by the outpouring of love from all over the country, blown away by your sacrifice. From special trips made to family events altered you all amaze me. I hope I honor our friendship as you have.

It has been said that as long as there are math tests there will be prayer in schools. I can also add as long as there is open heart surgery there will be prayer in hospitals too. Thank you to everyone who prayed for me including my doctors, surgeons, nurses, orderlies, technicians and everyone else who entered my life during this adventure.

My son is truly one of the most amazing people I know. I feel so privileged and honored to be his parent. While I am able to teach Ollie skills like a new word in sign language, Ollie teaches me to never let challenges or differences hold me back from living life with great passion and joy!!

Your Turn: Are you a parent or a relative of a child with special abilities? Or maybe you have a friend who parents a child with special abilities? How have these amazing children helped you to view life?

I can only take good care of Ollie because you are the most amazing and support husband ever! You completely provide the means to make it possible for me to stay home with Ollie. Thank you for all your hard work!!! You are a wonderful daddy! I love you!

You guys are just super amazing and such a blessing to be around! We miss you Chip, Amy, and Ollie! Ollie really has so many gifts and such a loving and tender spirit! Joel and I are glad that we had 3 good years with you! Very good article:)

Dr. Emily Ann Reece provides comprehensive dental solutions at Reedy Creek Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Raleigh, NC. General dentist Dr. Reece collaborates with patients of all ages to teach healthy oral habits to last a lifetime. As a general dentist, Dr. Reece helps her patients learn how to maintain their teeth and gums for long-lasting oral health. She is dedicated to high-quality dental care and proven dental solutions.

Our office is passionate about providing high-quality dental care in a personalized manner to patients of all ages. We also welcome young patients to our office. We provide age-appropriate dental care and oral hygiene advice for growing and aging smiles. Our family dentist office enables all your family members to receive the dental care they need under one roof.

Dr. Reece and our dental care team provide comprehensive general, cosmetic, and restorative dental care. These services are tailored to the unique needs of each patient. We take the time to get to know you when you visit our office. Then, we can understand and address your specific risk factors for common dental problems.

At Reedy Creek Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we focus on oral health, function, and comfort. We are here as your dental provider to ensure you keep your teeth and gums healthy. Then, once we ensure you are in good oral health, we focus on the function of the teeth, gums, and jaw.

We also want you to feel relaxed when you visit our office. If you have a fear of the dentist or suffer from dental anxiety, we can help. Our office creates a warm and comforting environment for patients. Dr. Reece and her team welcome patient questions and are here to listen to concerns about dental pain or discomfort.

Reedy Creek Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is convenient to Chapel Hill Road and Fincastle Drive. Our dental office serves patients in surrounding areas, including Medfield Estates, Willoughby Place, Trinity, and Glosson Estates.

General dentistry is a part of preventative dentistry. Our general dental treatments, from dental cleanings to custom mouthguards, help protect your teeth and gums. General dental services treat broken teeth, cavities, impacted teeth, and problems due to aging smiles. These treatments help prevent future oral health issues.

Visiting a dental professional for treatment can prevent toothaches, severe dental infections, and missing teeth. Often, these problems require complex and costly care. Contacting a dentist for immediate dental care can relieve painful everyday symptoms.

Living with chronic tooth pain, an uneven bite, or lost teeth affects your mouth function. These oral health problems can also make it hard to eat or speak without pain. Dental infections may also spread through the bloodstream and affect the heart. Preventative treatment may stop medical complications linked to oral health problems.

When you visit our Cary, NC, dental office, we thoroughly examine your smile. We take X-rays to see problems we cannot visualize with a physical exam. When we find dental problems, we schedule future treatment or provide immediate care. Our office can also provide emergency dental services to relieve severe dental problems promptly.

If you have a dental emergency, contact our office immediately. If your emergency occurs during normal office hours, we will do our best to see you quickly. Contact our office for an emergency number after hours or on the weekend. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Our dental office can treat knocked-out teeth, broken dental restorations, tooth pain, and more.

Most patients benefit from seeing the dentist every six months. Other patients may benefit from more frequent visits depending on their oral health needs. When you visit Dr. Reece, she will recommend a schedule best suited for you.

Reedy Creek Family and Cosmetic Dentistry is your local resource for the long-term care of your smile. We hope you will join our extended dental care family and enjoy the many benefits of a healthy smile. Popular dental treatments we provide patients in our office include:

We provide general dentistry services to patients of all ages. Dr. Reece takes a comprehensive approach to overall dental health. During a comprehensive exam before treatment, Dr. Reece will examine all aspects of your oral health. She will examine the teeth, gums, jaw joints, and muscles.

Dr. Reece is experienced in treating complex problems like worn, broken, or missing teeth, TMJ disorders, and gum disease. When treating these problems, Dr. Reece focuses on function and aesthetics. This ensures that patients achieve a natural-looking, comfortable, and functional smile. Fully restoring tooth and gum function can lead to a higher quality of life for dental patients.

When you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face. Your hands again caress the beloved head. You look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

I watched my sweet baby born 13 years ago. I picked her out of her liter. She loved to chase deer, squirrels and our inside kitties. Our cat Bella Mae is 2 years old and has grown up with Freddie and looks for her every day. I have nothing but wonderful things to say about these amazing people at such a sad time.

My sweet Choco. It was so hard to say goodbye to you yesterday. But at least you are no longer suffering. You were and always will be my best friend. I love you always and forever. We had 12 great years together and though I wish it was longer, you had an amazing life filled with love and adventures. Rest in peace my sweet pup in doggie heaven. 152ee80cbc

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