We have been long time Scratch enthusiasts, so I was thrilled when I heard that No Starch Press had put together a set of 10 Scratch coding activities. In full disclosure, they were kind enough to send me a set to review, but all opinions expressed are my own. Please read our full disclaimer here. Sample programs created using the coding cards are at the bottom of this post.

How They Work: Activities are broken down into manageable tasks. Some need to be followed in order, others do not. When you have completed all of the steps, you will have a really fun program! The front of the card shows what you will accomplish, and the back breaks down the steps so you know exactly which coding blocks you need. It also shows you which variables you can change to customize the program.

Scratch Coding Cards Download

Download 🔥 https://bytlly.com/2yGBbv 🔥

Final Thoughts: These cards are easy to use, straightforward, and they provide a variety of tasks to complete. They are best for kids who have little or no programming experience, but still fun for kids who have some experience and are looking to build their coding skills. If you are thinking of ways to introduce programming into your curriculum, this is a great way to start. I know that not everyone has programming experience, but these cards really spell everything out for you. I also like that you can download the program for times you are not able to be connected to the Net. You can use these cards when you are offline and have a meaningful activity.

Meredith Anderson is a STEM education enthusiast and former homeschooling parent. A mechanical engineer by training, she enjoys creating STEM educational resources for her two sons, other homeschoolers, and classrooms around the world.

Scratch is a great platform for kids to work on their programming skills. It can make learning fun and engaging for beginners. Thanks for sharing this post, I am sure it would help many to get their kids started with coding!

Analogous to a set of recipe cards that can be adapted or combined, the Scratch Coding Cards were created by lead developer Natalie Rusk and her team at the MIT Media Lab with the goal of providing an inviting entry point to Scratch. This kid-friendly approach to coding allows young people to program their own interactive stories, games and animations.

Luke and I selected certain cards from a colorful 75-card deck to create a variety of interactive programming projects. With the cards at our side and a laptop in front of us, we created a simple soccer game and made a dancing version of his name, and still and have a few more projects on our list (such as creating a virtual pet and playing hide-and-seek).

Sometimes I got frustrated because I wanted to do it a way different than the instructions. But I know I also learned more because of how the cards told me the steps. I would tell my friends to use, especially some of my buddies who like to code.

The phrase "Learn to Program One Card at a Time" plays the roleof subtitle and friendly invitation from Scratch CodingCards, acolorful collection of activities that introduce children to creativecoding.

Developed by Natalie Rusk, research scientist in the LifelongKindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, the resource consists ofillustrated activity cards that provide a playful entry point intoScratch, the graphical programming language used by millions of childrenaround the world. The cards make it easy for kids to learn how tocreate a variety of interactive projects, such as a racing game, ananimated interactive story, a virtual pet and much more.

Each cardfeatures step-by-step instructions for beginners to start coding. Thefront of the card shows an activity kids can do with Scratch, such asanimating a character or keeping score in a game. The back shows how tosnap together blocks of code to make the projects come to life. Along theway, kids learn key coding concepts, such as sequencing, conditionals andvariables. Publisher No Starch Press recommends the coding activitycards for sharing among small groups in homes, schools and after-schoolprograms.

Natalie Rusk and the Scratch team at the MIT Media Lab, working with No Starch Press, have created a set of 75 two-sided cards to teach the Scratch programming language. An introductory booklet shows the basics of using the drag and drop language, as well as links to the Scratch community and more resources.

beanz magazine is published by Owl Hill Media, LLC. We publish information about science, technology, engineering, art, and math to engage kids anywhere. We try to make technology fun, interesting, and understandable to kids and their adults.

While we no longer offer a print magazine, we have started to publish STEM content in an email newsletter called 30 STEM Links. We offer free or paid subscriptions to weekly emails that, in total, provide 30+ STEM-related links a week.

"As a former teacher turned homeschooling parent, I LOVE (love, love!) when cross-curricular learning takes place. Each of the projects and ideas included in beanz require a child to employ cross-curricular skills. A child isn't simply coding or creating a Roblox account. Kids are using math, science, art, or critical thinking."

"You have no idea how awesome this donation is and how much my kiddos are going to enjoy this! I teach STEAM to PK4-5th grade (about 765 students) and wanted something special for my older grades. This is going to be a valuable resource and fun teaching tool! Again, thanks so much!"

This professional development session applies research-based practices to support the use of educational technology (EdTech) in the classroom. Through exploring Scratch coding on a Raspberry Pi, 3D printing with TinkerCAD, and Swivl robots, participants will connect EdTech to science and engineering practices and identify potential hurdles to their implementation in the classroom.

If the participants of today's activity have already seen or participated in the LEGO Mindstorms PD Activity on Learn, please go ahead and skip slides 6-7 as that PD can be a companion activity to this one. Also, if after this activity, you might like to explore a more in-depth look at one particular technology, the LEGO Mindstorms PD can be found at the link above.

Depending on the note above, transition to either slide 6 or 8. On slide 6, show the quote to the participants and then play the video on slide 7. This video is meant to help set the foundation for coding in the upcoming activities by showing how important clear and sequential instructions are to communicating, particularly with a piece of technology.

There are three technology stations that will be explored by participants in this professional development session, Swivl, Raspberry Pi, and 3d Printing with TinkerCad. For the Swivl station, a computer connected to the internet, the Swivl Scavenger Hunt, and the Swivl bot is required. The Raspberry Pi station should have a Raspberry Pi microcomputer setup with Scratch installed and the Scratch Task Cards printed or available in a digital format. Finally, the 3D Printing station will need a 3D printer, an internet-connected computer, and the TinkerCAD task cards. If a large group of more than 12-15 is expected, set up multiples of each station as resources allow.

These stations may be adjusted to meet the needs of your participants or highlight the technology available at the site. If you adjust the stations, ensure that you also modify the information on the slides and other documents to align with these changes.

Split the participants into small groups, and assign each a starting station. Participants now have twenty minutes to explore the technology by completing a task card. Participants follow directions on the task cards, working as far as they can in the activity before time. After each station, give 2-3 minutes for them to take notes over what they experienced on the Instructional Strategy Note Sheet.

For the station rotation activity, groups should be only 2-3 participants to encourage hands-on participation by all group members. Depending on the available time, you may want to make a few adjustments to the task cards. The Swivl station can easily be shortened to reviewing the Swivl robot in use in a classroom. For Scratch and TinkerCAD, have them work through as much of the task card as possible while still having a bit of time to take notes after each station.

Using a modified Four Corners strategy, have participants choose which educational technology they explored that they liked the most or think would be possible for them to implement in the classroom and go stand by the poster for that technology. At the top of the poster, participants, as a group, should divide the page into two with a marker and complete an I Notice...I Wonder... responding to the prompts:

Once participants have returned to their seats, transition to slide 18 and introduce the NSTA Science and Engineering Practices (a handout is included to print if you prefer). Inform participants that students need to connect what we have done to engineering practices in real life. Give participants a few minutes to go over the practices and think about which practice they think each technology meets.

On slide 19, have participants do a Gallery Walk looking at each poster, and using a sticky note, put what practice they think the technology meets and attach it to the poster for that technology. Does everyone agree with the assessments? Facilitate a brief discussion to see if a consensus can be achieved.

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduinos can read lights on a sensor, sense a finger on a button, or respond to a twitter message. It can also activate a motor, turn on an LED, or publish something online. Tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board.

The colorful and easy-to-operate Bee-Bot is a friendly robot designed specifically for young children. Bee-Bot will help students learn sequencing, estimation, and problem-solving! It can be used with alphabet and sight word cards. 152ee80cbc

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