In the fifth century, Syriac Bible manuscripts used question markers, according to a 2011 theory by manuscript specialist Chip Coakley: he believes the zagwa elaya ("upper pair"), a vertical double dot over a word at the start of a sentence, indicates that the sentence is a question.[2][3]

From the 10th century, the pitch-defining element (if it ever existed) seems to have been gradually forgotten, so that the "lightning flash" sign (with the stroke sometimes slightly curved) is often seen indifferently at the end of clauses, whether they embody a question or not.[citation needed]

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In the early 13th century, when the growth of communities of scholars (universities) in Paris and other major cities led to an expansion and streamlining of the book-production trade,[8] punctuation was rationalized by assigning the "lightning flash" specifically to interrogatives; by this time the stroke was more sharply curved and can easily be recognized as the modern question mark. (See, for example, De Aetna [it] (1496) printed by Aldo Manuzio in Venice.[9])

The mark which you are to notice in this lesson is of this shape ? You see it is made by placing a little crooked mark over a period.... The name of this mark is the Question Mark, because it is always put after a question. Sometimes it is called by a longer and harder name. The long and hard name is the Interrogation Point.

In English, the question mark typically occurs at the end of a sentence, where it replaces the full stop (period). However, the question mark may also occur at the end of a clause or phrase, where it replaces the comma .mw-parser-output div.crossreference{padding-left:0}(see also Question comma):

In Spanish, since the second edition of the Ortografa of the Real Academia Espaola in 1754, interrogatives require both opening and closing ? question marks.[13][14] An interrogative sentence, clause, or phrase begins with an inverted question mark and ends with the question mark ?, as in:

Galician also uses the inverted opening question mark, though usually only in long sentences or in cases that would otherwise be ambiguous. Basque and Catalan, however, use only the terminal question mark.[clarification needed]

The Greek question mark (Greek: , romanized: ertmatik) looks like ;. It appeared around the same time as the Latin one, in the 8th century.[18] It was adopted by Church Slavonic and eventually settled on a form essentially similar to the Latin semicolon. In Unicode, it is separately encoded as U+037E  GREEK QUESTION MARK, but the similarity is so great that the code point is normalised to U+003B ; SEMICOLON, making the marks identical in practice.[19] In Greek, the question mark is used even for indirect questions.

The Arabic question mark is also used in some other right-to-left scripts: N'Ko, Syriac and Adlam.Adlam also has U+1E95F ? ADLAM INITIAL QUESTION MARK: ? ???? , 'No?'.[20][better source needed]

The question mark can also be used as a meta-sign to signal uncertainty regarding what precedes it. It is usually put between brackets: (?). The uncertainty may concern either a superficial level (such as unsure spelling), or a deeper truth (real meaning).

The inverted question mark (tag_hash_106) corresponds to Unicode code-point U+00BF INVERTED QUESTION MARK (¿), and can be accessed from the keyboard in Microsoft Windows on the default US layout by holding down the Alt and typing either 1 6 8 (ANSI) or 0 1 9 1 (Unicode) on the numeric keypad. In GNOME applications on Linux operating systems, it can be entered by typing the hexadecimal Unicode character (minus leading zeros) while holding down both Ctrl and Shift, I J mm.e.: Ctrl Shift B F. In recent XFree86 and X.Org incarnations of the X Window System, it can be accessed as a compose sequence of two straight question marks, i.e. pressing Compose ? ? yields . In classic Mac OS and Mac OS X (macOS), the key combination Option Shift ? produces an inverted question mark.

In shell and scripting languages, the question mark is often utilized as a wildcard character: a symbol that can be used to substitute for any other character or characters in a string. In particular, filename globbing uses "?" as a substitute for any one character, as opposed to the asterisk, "*", which matches zero or more characters in a string.

The question mark is used in ASCII renderings of the International Phonetic Alphabet, such as SAMPA, in place of the glottal stop symbol, tag_hash_107, (which resembles "?" without the dot), and corresponds to Unicode code point U+0294  LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP.

In computer programming, the symbol "?" has a special meaning in many programming languages. In C-descended languages, ? is part of the ?: operator, which is used to evaluate simple boolean conditions. In C# 2.0, the ? modifier is used to handle nullable data types and ?? is the null coalescing operator. In the POSIX syntax for regular expressions, such as that used in Perl and Python, ? stands for "zero or one instance of the previous subexpression", i.e. an optional element. It can also make a quantifier like {x,y}, + or * match as few characters as possible, making it lazy, e.g. /^.*?px/ will match the substring 165px in 165px 17px instead of matching 165px 17px.[a] In certain implementations of the BASIC programming language, the ? character may be used as a shorthand for the "print" function; in others (notably the BBC BASIC family), ? is used to address a single-byte memory location. In OCaml, the question mark precedes the label for an optional parameter. In Scheme, as a convention, symbol names ending in ? are used for predicates, such as odd?, null?, and eq?. Similarly, in Ruby, method names ending in ? are used for predicates. In Swift a type followed by ? denotes an option type; ? is also used in "optional chaining", where if an option value is nil, it ignores the following operations. Similarly, in Kotlin, a type followed by ? is nullable and functions similar to option chaining are supported. In APL, ? generates random numbers or a random subset of indices. In Rust, a ? suffix on a function or method call indicates error handling. In SPARQL, the question mark is used to introduce variable names, such as ?name. In MUMPS, it is the pattern match operator.

In many Web browsers and other computer programs, when converting text between encodings, it may not be possible to map some characters into the target character set. In this situation it is common to replace each unmappable character with a question mark ?, inverted question mark , or the Unicode replacement character, usually rendered as a white question mark in a black diamond: U+FFFD  REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. This commonly occurs for apostrophes and quotation marks when they are written with software that uses its own proprietary non-standard code for these characters, such as Microsoft Office's "smart quotes".

The generic URL syntax allows for a query string to be appended to a resource location in a Web address so that additional information can be passed to a script; the query mark, ?, is used to indicate the start of a query string. A query string is usually made up of a number of different field/value pairs, each separated by the ampersand symbol, &, as seen in this URL:

Yet others use double question marks ?? to indicate a degree of strangeness between those indicated by a single question mark and that indicated by the combination of question mark and asterisk.[33][34]

When placed above the relational symbol in an equation or inequality, a question-mark annotation means that the stated relation is "questioned". This can be used to ask whether the relation might be true or to point out the relation's possible invalidity.

A question mark is used in English medical notes to suggest a possible diagnosis. It facilitates the recording of a doctor's impressions regarding a patient's symptoms and signs. For example, for a patient presenting with left lower abdominal pain, a differential diagnosis might include ?diverticulitis (read as "query diverticulitis").

Does anyone know about this black question mark? it looks like it replaced a broken tool in my workflow. but why? i had a Date Filter module in my workflow and when i reopened my workflow today i had this instead. does anyone know why this happened? i had another one in there that was in place of a select records module. why did these get replaced with this question mark? ive had it before when i used custom macros then the workflow lost the path but in this case im not sure what is going on.

If you haven't saved the workflow, you can open up the .YXMD file in notepad to view the RAW XML of the workflow and look for the line that is in reference to that tool (knowing the Tool ID can be helpful). Once found, look at the directory path it's referencing and ensure that 1) the macro you used is still there or 2) your computer can access that location.

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I was scheduled to complete an exam today. The test was timed. The instructor, Dr. Baghdasarian, warned in an email before the test to make sure that we had a strong internet connection and that no programs were running. I waited until later in the evening as I have a stronger internet connection later at night. Unfortunately, this was a test that had an image with almost every question. All I saw were the multiple choice options and that horrible little blue box with the tiny white question mark inside of it. On a fluke, I guessed on the first answer and somehow it was correct but I submitted the test because the next question came up the same way, without any image and only the question mark. I did a speed check on my internet connection and it says I have a fast connection. I had no programs running at the time. I need to fix this. I am hoping that my instructor will understand that this is a technical issue and allow me to take the test again but what about tests coming up? I can't have this same issue. My computer is only a year old. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 152ee80cbc

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