An event can be triggered by the user action e.g. clicking the mouse button or tapping keyboard, or generated by APIs to represent the progress of an asynchronous task. It can also be triggered programmatically, such as by calling the method of an element, or by defining the event, then sending it to a specified target using EventTarget.dispatchEvent().

Many DOM elements can be set up to accept (or "listen" for) these events, and execute code in response to process (or "handle") them. Event-handlers are usually connected (or "attached") to various HTML elements (such as , , , etc.) using EventTarget.addEventListener(), and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes. Further, when properly added, such handlers can also be disconnected if needed using removeEventListener().

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A reference to the currently registered target for the event. This is the object to which the event is currently slated to be sent. It's possible this has been changed along the way through retargeting.

For this particular event, prevent all other listeners from being called. This includes listeners attached to the same element as well as those attached to elements that will be traversed later (during the capture phase, for instance).

Many DOM elements can be set up to accept (or \"listen\" for) these events, and execute code in response to process (or \"handle\") them. Event-handlers are usually connected (or \"attached\") to various HTML elements (such as , , , etc.) using EventTarget.addEventListener(), and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes. Further, when properly added, such handlers can also be disconnected if needed using removeEventListener().

Events are fired to notify code of "interesting changes" that may affect code execution. These can arise from user interactions such as using a mouse or resizing a window, changes in the state of the underlying environment (e.g. low battery or media events from the operating system), and other causes.

Each event is represented by an object that is based on the Event interface, and may have additional custom fields and/or functions to provide information about what happened. The documentation for every event has a table (near the top) that includes a link to the associated event interface, and other relevant information. A full list of the different event types is given in Event > Interfaces based on Event.

This topic provides an index to the main sorts of events you might be interested in (animation, clipboard, workers etc.) along with the main classes that implement those sorts of events. At the end is a flat list of all documented events.

Note: This page lists many of the most common events you'll come across on the web. If you are searching for an event that isn't listed here, try searching for its name, topic area, or associated specification on the rest of MDN.

Used to respond to new messages and message sending errors. Service workers can also be notified of other events, including push notifications, users clicking on displayed notifications, that push subscription has been invalidated, deletion of items from the content index, etc.

Events are fired to notify code of \"interesting changes\" that may affect code execution. These can arise from user interactions such as using a mouse or resizing a window, changes in the state of the underlying environment (e.g. low battery or media events from the operating system), and other causes.

\n Used to respond to new messages and message sending errors. Service\n workers can also be notified of other events, including push\n notifications, users clicking on displayed notifications, that push\n subscription has been invalidated, deletion of items from the content\n index, etc.\n

The event Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is designed to allow more requests to be served simultaneously by passing off some processing work to the listeners threads, freeing up the worker threads to serve new requests.

event is based on the worker MPM, which implements a hybridmulti-process multi-threaded server. A single control process (the parent) is responsible for launchingchild processes. Each child process creates a fixed number of serverthreads as specified in the ThreadsPerChild directive, as wellas a listener thread which listens for connections and passes them to a worker thread for processing when they arrive.

The improved connection handling may not work for certain connection filters that have declared themselves as incompatible with event. In these cases, this MPM will fall back to the behavior of the worker MPM and reserve one worker thread per connection. All modules shipped with the server are compatible with the event MPM.

A similar restriction is currently present for requests involving an output filter that needs to read and/or modify the whole response body. If the connection to the client blocks while the filter is processing the data, and the amount of data produced by the filter is too big to be buffered in memory, the thread used for the request is not freed while httpd waits until the pending data is sent to the client.

 To illustrate this point, we can think about the following two situations: serving a static asset (like a CSS file) versus serving content retrieved from FCGI/CGI or a proxied server. The former is predictable, namely the event MPM has full visibility on the end of the content and it can use events: the worker thread serving the response content can flush the first bytes until EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN is returned, delegating the rest to the listener. This one in turn waits for an event on the socket and delegates the work to flush the rest of the content to the first idle worker thread. Meanwhile in the latter example (FCGI/CGI/proxied content), the MPM can't predict the end of the response and a worker thread has to finish its work before returning the control to the listener. The only alternative is to buffer the response in memory, but it wouldn't be the safest option for the sake of the server's stability and memory footprint.

Before these new APIs where made available, the traditional select and poll APIs had to be used. Those APIs get slow if used to handle many connections or if the set of connections rate of change is high. The new APIs allow to monitor many more connections, and they perform way better when the set of connections to monitor changes frequently. So these APIs made it possible to write the event MPM, that scales much better with the typical HTTP pattern of many idle connections.

The event MPM handles some connections in an asynchronous way, where request worker threads are only allocated for short periods of time as needed, and other connections with one request worker thread reserved per connection. This can lead to situations where all workers are tied up and no worker thread is available to handle new work on established async connections.

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration (EHTC) and Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) announce the public data release of the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) 1-mm observations by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) in April 2017. The overall goal of the observations is to image the supermassive black holes M 87* and Sagittarius A* at event horizon scales and to image the AGNs OJ 287, 3C 279, Centaurus A, and NGC 1052 at high resolution.

Simultaneous press conferences will announce groundbreaking results from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, those will be synchronised at 13:00 Universal Time on May 12th, 2022. Those will be held in collaboration with the USA National Science Foundation, the European Southern Observatory, the Joint ALMA Observatory, and other funding agencies and institutions. These events will also be streamed online. A selection of the events is listed, by alphabetical order of location (local times are provided).

The United States National Science Foundation (NSF) has announced the award of a $12.7M grant to architect and design a next-generation Event Horizon Telescope (ngEHT). The principal investigator of this program is the EHT Founding Director, Sheperd Doeleman at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. The ngEHT will sharpen our focus on black holes, and let researchers move from still-imagery to real-time videos of space-time at the event horizon. 2351a5e196

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