A Dancer's Lifestyles

Personal Project by Antonia Romero

About the Project

"A Dancer's Lifestyle" is my personal project for the MYP, which consisted on doing a profound research about the dancing lifestyle, taking into account every aspect, from the nutrion to the fashion, to the workouts, everything. This information was then used to create a booklet and present this information to the Vitoria School Community.


“Investigate the benefits of following a professional dancer’s lifestyle, together with nutrition plans and workout routines. Then using and following the information obtained, to create a booklet that communicates the findings with TVS community”

This objective was built carefully taking into account the way I could demonstrate my skills and knowledge that are required in order to build, produce and present an extended piece of work (In this case the booklet)

Xu Minghao (THE8) - Chinese Dancer

Gabrielle Hamilton - American Dancer

About Me!

Hello, my name is Antonia Romero! I am a 15 year old student at TVS, I been part of the Victoria School Community since I was 5, so about 11 years ago.

I've always been passionate about preforming arts, specially dancing. For me more than a hobby, dancing is a very big part of my life, I been dancing for almost 3 years now and right now I think it is safe to say that dancing is one of the best things someone could do for themselves. I like dancing because not only can you express yourself through music and movement, I think dancing is a very fun way take care of one's own self and body b y exercise with no rules or limitations at all. In this project I wanted to share my passion with the School community and everyone who is interested.

My family has always been involved in arts, preforming arts were always a very important part of my life and today I'm proud to share this project with everyone. I hope everyone gets to enjoy it as much as I did :)