"An epic presentation of miniature proportions.".On behalf of "oppressed bugs everywhere," an inventive ant named Flik hires a troupe of warrior bugs to defend his bustling colony from a horde of freeloading grasshoppers led by the evil-minded Hopper.

The word insect comes from the Latin word inseco, from in, "to cut up",[1] as insects appear to be cut into three parts. The Latin word was introduced by Pliny the Elder who calqued the Ancient Greek word  ntomon "insect" (as in entomology) from  ntomos "cut in pieces";[2] this was Aristotle's term for this class of life in his biology, also in reference to their notched bodies. The English word insect first appears in 1601 in Philemon Holland's translation of Pliny.[3][4]

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In common speech, insects and other terrestrial arthropods are often called bugs.[a] Entomologists to some extent reserve the name "bugs" for a narrow category of "true bugs", insects of the order Hemiptera, such as cicadas and shield bugs.[6] Other terrestrial arthropods, such as centipedes, millipedes, woodlice, spiders, mites and scorpions, are sometimes confused with insects, since they have a jointed exoskeleton.[7] Adult insects are the only arthropods that ever have wings, with up to two pairs on the thorax. Whether winged or not, adult insects can be distinguished by their three-part body plan, with head, thorax, and abdomen; they have three pairs of legs on the thorax.[8]

Estimates of the total number of insect species vary considerably, suggesting that there are perhaps some 5.5 million insect species in existence, of which about one million have been described and named.[9] These constitute around half of all eukaryote species, including animals, plants, and fungi.[10] The most diverse insect orders are the Hemiptera (true bugs), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (true flies), Hymenoptera (wasps, ants, and bees), and Coleoptera (beetles), each with more than 100,000 described species.[9]

The outer skeleton, the cuticle, is made up of two layers: the epicuticle, a thin and waxy water-resistant outer layer without chitin, and a lower layer, the thick chitinous procuticle. The procuticle has two layers: an outer exocuticle and an inner endocuticle. The tough and flexible endocuticle is built from numerous layers of fibrous chitin and proteins, criss-crossing each other in a sandwich pattern, while the exocuticle is rigid and sclerotized.[41][42] As an adaptation to life on land, insects have an enzyme that uses atmospheric oxygen to harden their cuticle, unlike crustaceans which use heavy calcium compounds for the same purpose. This makes the insect exoskeleton a lightweight material.[43]

An insect uses its digestive system to extract nutrients and other substances from the food it consumes.[47] There is extensive variation among different orders, life stages, and even castes in the digestive system of insects.[48] The gut runs lengthwise through the body. It has three sections, with paired salivary glands and salivary reservoirs.[49] By moving its mouthparts the insect mixes its food with saliva.[50][51] Some insects, like flies, expel digestive enzymes onto their food to break it down, but most insects digest their food in the gut.[52] The foregut is lined with cuticule as protection from tough food. It includes the mouth, pharynx, and crop which stores food.[53] Digestion starts in the mouth with enzymes in the saliva. Strong muscles in the pharynx pump fluid into the mouth, lubricating the food, and enabling certain insects to feed on blood or from the xylem and phloem transport vessels of plants.[54] Once food leaves the crop, it passes to the midgut, where the majority of digestion takes place. Microscopic projections, microvilli, increase the surface area of the wall to absorb nutrients.[55] In the hindgut, undigested food particles are joined by uric acid to form fecal pellets; most of the water is absorbed, leaving a dry pellet to be eliminated. Insects may have one to hundreds of Malpighian tubules. These remove nitrogenous wastes from the hemolymph of the insect and regulate osmotic balance. Wastes and solutes are emptied directly into the alimentary canal, at the junction between the midgut and hindgut.[56]

Holometabolism, or complete metamorphosis, is where the insect changes in four stages, an egg or embryo, a larva, a pupa and the adult or imago. In these species, an egg hatches to produce a larva, which is generally worm-like in form. This can be eruciform (caterpillar-like), scarabaeiform (grub-like), campodeiform (elongated, flattened and active), elateriform (wireworm-like) or vermiform (maggot-like). The larva grows and eventually becomes a pupa, a stage marked by reduced movement. There are three types of pupae: obtect, exarate or coarctate. Obtect pupae are compact, with the legs and other appendages enclosed. Exarate pupae have their legs and other appendages free and extended. Coarctate pupae develop inside the larval skin.[86] Insects undergo considerable change in form during the pupal stage, and emerge as adults. Butterflies are well-known for undergoing complete metamorphosis; most insects use this life cycle. Some insects have evolved this system to hypermetamorphosis. Complete metamorphosis is a trait of the most diverse insect group, the Endopterygota.[79]

Many of these species are adapted for under-water locomotion. Water beetles and water bugs have legs adapted into paddle-like structures. Dragonfly naiads use jet propulsion, forcibly expelling water out of their rectal chamber.[127] Other insects such as the rove beetle Stenus emit pygidial gland surfactant secretions that reduce surface tension; this enables them to move on the surface of water by Marangoni propulsion.[128][129]

Insects play many critical roles in ecosystems, including soil turning and aeration, dung burial, pest control, pollination and wildlife nutrition.[130] For instance, termites modify the environment around their nests, encouraging grass growth;[131] many beetles are scavengers; dung beetles recycle biological materials into forms useful to other organisms.[132][133] Insects are responsible for much of the process by which topsoil is created.[134]

Insects are mostly small, soft bodied, and fragile compared to larger lifeforms. The immature stages are small, move slowly or are immobile, and so all stages are exposed to predation and parasitism. Insects accordingly employ multiple defensive strategies, including camouflage, mimicry, toxicity and active defense.[135] Many insects rely on camouflage to avoid being noticed by their predators or prey.[136] It is common among leaf beetles and weevils that feed on wood or vegetation.[135] Stick insects mimic the forms of sticks and leaves.[137]Many insects use mimicry to deceive predators into avoiding them. In Batesian mimicry, edible species, such as of hoverflies (the mimics), gain a survival advantage by resembling inedible species (the models).[135][138] In Mllerian mimicry, inedible species, such as of wasps and bees, resemble each other so as to reduce the sampling rate by predators who need to learn that those insects are inedible. Heliconius butterflies, many of which are toxic, form Mllerian complexes, advertising their inedibility.[139]Chemical defense is common among Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, usually being advertised by bright warning colors (aposematism), as in the monarch butterfly. As larvae, they obtain their toxicity by sequestering chemicals from the plants they eat into their own tissues. Some manufacture their own toxins. Predators that eat poisonous butterflies and moths may vomit violently, learning not to eat insects with similar markings; this is the basis of Mllerian mimicry.[140] Some ground beetles of the family Carabidae actively defend themselves, spraying chemicals from their abdomen with great accuracy, to repel predators.[135]

Many insects are parasitic. The largest group, with over 100,000 species[144] and perhaps over a million,[145] consists of a single clade of parasitoid wasps among the Hymenoptera.[146] These are parasites of other insects, eventually killing their hosts.[144] Some are hyper-parasites, as their hosts are other parasitoid wasps.[144][147] Several groups of insects can be considered as either micropredators or external parasites;[148][149] for example, many hemipteran bugs have piercing and sucking mouthparts, adapted for feeding on plant sap,[150][151] while species in groups such as fleas, lice, and mosquitoes are hematophagous, feeding on the blood of animals.[149]

Many insects are considered pests by humans. These include parasites of people and livestock, such as lice and bed bugs; mosquitoes act as vectors of several diseases. Other pests include insects like termites that damage wooden structures; herbivorous insects such as locusts, aphids, and thrips that destroy agricultural crops, or like wheat weevils damage stored agricultural produce. Farmers have often attempted to control insects with chemical insecticides, but increasingly rely on biological pest control. This uses one organism to reduce the population density of a pest organism; it is a key element of integrated pest management.[153][154] Biological control is favored because insecticides can cause harm to ecosystems far beyond the intended pest targets.[155][156]

Insects that feed on or parasitise other insects are beneficial to humans if they thereby reduce damage to agriculture and human structures. For example, aphids feed on crops, causing economic loss, but ladybugs feed on aphids, and can be used to control them. Insects account for the vast majority of insect consumption.[170][171][172]

The idea of eating insects in Thailand might sound alien to a Western palate, but people in Thailand have been following the practice for centuries as you'll find out on our Chiang Mai food tour. Originating among northern provinces where impoverished farmers killed two birds with one stone by removing the bugs that ate their crops and making a profit on their haul as well, entomophagy (the technical term for eating insects) slowly spread to the urban epicentres of the country, too. e24fc04721

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