Patrick Georges

University of Ottawa

Research interests and modeling techniques

Research interests

I have three fields of interest:1) Economics (international economics, demographic economics, and financial economics),2) Data science and data visualization (including machine learning and deep learning) and3) Music and statistics (including music information retrieval).

Modeling techniques

. Agent-based modelling in Python· Machine learning and deep learning in both Python and R (classification, clustering, prediction...);. Convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks for music classification. Sentiment analysis using natural language processing (nltk)· Data visualization using Python and R (geographical/choropleth maps, network graphs (networkx), wordclouds, heatmaps), etc.· .Tweeter API, Spotify API, Web scraping....
· Overlapping-Generations General Equilibrium Modeling;· Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Modeling (Multi-Country & Multi-Sector);· Stochastic Simulation Methodologies for Macro-Econometric and Financial Models;· Techniques of Stochastic Calculus applied to specific fields in Finance:*Pricing of options and other derivatives,*Investment under uncertainty (option value of waiting),*Modeling the term structure of interest rates,*Modeling the process of exchange rate regime switching (exchange rate target zone; currency crises and speculative attacks);