
Presentations (oral presentation or poster presentations) can be given by in-person attendees. 

A virtual participant can submit an abstract only if they have someone in-person to present for them (but it is subject to availbility).


Please complete the form with the title of your presentation and abstract by May 15th, 2023.


Abstract Submission Instructions:

Abstract Submission is closed.

Presenter Instructions:

Please follow the instructions below for uploading your talk. 

Name your presentation file as: Lastname_Firstname_Dayoftheweek.pptx, e.g. Doe_Jane_Wednesday.pptx

Please upload your talk in ppt or pdf format onto the google drive folder by Monday June 5th, 2023 at 12pm

Check your email for the link and instructions. 

All the presentation files will be moved from this folder into the LASP IT laptop which will be connected to the conference room microphone and camera for a smooth delivery of the conference. 

Poster Size:

The poster boards will have a space of 6' tall and 4' wide available.