Fluid Mechanism is everywhere – Study with Best Textbook Solutions Manuals by CFS

Fluid means a liquid state of matter and mechanics means its study. Fluid mechanism studies applied forces on liquid or related state of matter like gas. Now if you talk about its technicalities, it’s already mentioned in Fluid Mechanics 5th edition Solutions Manual. But, do you know that this branch of physics is also applied in daily life? If not, then this post is for you that can excite you with all understanding of fluid mechanism in everyday life.

Real life applications of fluid mechanism

From applying lotion to making coffee, and measuring blood pressure, fluid mechanics is applied everywhere. Read the section below to know about it in detail.

Using Lotion

What first thing you do after taking shower to protect your skin? It’s obviously applying lotion, but do you know it posses the fluid mechanics principle? While squeezing the lotion container, you apply the pressure on container which makes get lotion out. Once the container is set upright, it slips down to the container base. The force which is applied on the sides of container is called shear force which represents the Couette flow.


Cleanliness is next to godliness, and it can be achieved with shower. You can observe that velocity of water and momentum helps washing soap from your body. Water that comes out of the faucet have a regular momentum that’s helps cleaning your body and can be increased manually with tap.

Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

A gadget that cools us refrigerators and air conditioners runs on the fluid mechanism principles. In these gadgets, fluid called refrigerants absorbs the heat from which is at a low temperature that is your room or fridge container, and delivers that heat to the atmosphere, which is at a high temperature. Entire operations of these gadgets run on the use of refrigerants only.


Your daily routine start with brushing off teeth, and engineering students may know the viscosity difference between water and toothpaste. According to the Newtonian fluid concept, water have the low viscosity and flows freely at room temperature. Whereas, toothpaste has very high viscosity and considered as Non-Newtonian plastic fluid. To make it come out of the tube, you need to apply shear force. Now think if the toothpaste could have water how it would have come out of the toothpaste tube.

Nuclear power plants

Water is a crucial component to run the power plant. Here it acts as the working fluid and a coolant. In some nuclear plants, water helps to convert direct heat into the steam into the nuclear reactor. Heat is first used to heat the water, which acts as the coolant. This is the coolant then transfers the heat to a secondary coolant or the working fluid, which is again water and it is passed through the turbine to generate electricity.

Final words

Fluid has the wide range of applications, often playing a vital role in carrying daily life activities. The important thing for students is to note the crucial significance of fluid these application of fluids are generation of generation of electricity and other daily activities.