Norse cosmology is the account of the universe and its laws by the ancient North Germanic peoples. The topic encompasses concepts from Norse mythology, such as notions of time and space, cosmogony, personifications, anthropogeny, and eschatology. Like other aspects of Norse mythology, these concepts are primarily recorded in the Poetic Edda, a collection of poems compiled in the 13th century, and the Prose Edda, authored by Icelander Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, who drew from earlier traditional sources. Together these sources depict an image of Nine Worlds around a cosmic tree, Yggdrasil.

The northern region of Ginnungagap continued to fill with weight from the growing substance and its accompanying blowing vapor, yet the southern portion of Ginunngagap remained clear due to its proximity to the sparks and flames of Muspell. Between Niflheim and Muspell, ice and fire, was a placid location, "as mild as a windless sky". When the rime and the blowing heat met, the liquid melted and dropped, and this mixture formed the primordial being Ymir, the ancestor of all jtnar. Ymir sweated while sleeping. From his left arm grew a male and female jtunn, "and one of his legs begot a son with another", and these limbs too produced children.[3]

9 From The Nine Worlds Pdf Download


Ymir fed from rivers of milk that flowed from the teats of the primordial cow, Auumbla. Auumbla fed from salt she licked from rime stones. Over the course of three days, she licked free a beautiful and strong man, Bri. Bri's son Borr married a jtunn named Bestla, and the two had three sons: the gods Odin, Vili and V. The sons killed Ymir, and Ymir's blood poured across the land, producing great floods that killed all of the jtnar but two (Bergelmir and his unnamed wife, who sailed across the flooded landscape).[4]

After forming the dome of the Earth, the brothers Odin, Vili, and V took sparks of light from Muspell and placed them around the Earth, both above and below. Some remained fixed and others moved through the sky in predetermined courses. The trio provided land for the jtnar to leave by the sea. Using Ymir's eyelashes, the trio built a fortification around the center of the landmass to contain the hostility of the jtnar. They called this fortification Migarr (Old Norse 'central enclosure'). Finally, from Ymir's brains, they formed the clouds.[5]

Vafthrudnir said:

"I can tell you the true secrets of the Jotun

and all the gods because I've journeyed

into all of the nine worlds below Niflhel

Where the dead dwell below Hel."[16]

The Old Norse corpus does not clearly list the Nine Worlds, if it provides them at all. However, some scholars have proposed identifications for the nine. For example, Henry Adams Bellows (1923) says that the Nine Worlds consist of sgarr, Vanaheimr, lfheimr, Migarr, Jtunheimr, Mspellsheimr, Svartlfaheimr, Niflheimr (sometimes Hel), and perhaps Niavellir.[18] Some editions of translations of the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda feature illustrations of what the author or artist suspects the Nine Worlds to be in part based on the Vlusp stanza above.[19]

Ragnark is a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including various deities), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and mankind will be repopulated by Lf and Lfrasir, who will emerge from Yggdrasil.[21]

9 from the Nine Worlds is a collection of nine short stories, with each story focusing on and being narrated by a different character from the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard trilogy in each of the Nine Worlds.

At Blitzen's Best, a man named Stan informs Amir that Blitz went home to get more supplies. He decided to give Amir a pair of light tan leather pants, in the pocket is an endless supply of coins powered by a "dark magic" spell on a piece of paper. Stan revealed that he is wearing the Nbrk, pants made from the skin of dead people, Stan's ancestors made them from Amir's! Alex Fierro entered the store, after a conversation with Stan about the store closing now, she called Sam telling her to bring something. After Alex leaves, Stan tells Amir he is now his pet. He tried to attack but failed, luckily Sam arrived with a "light magic" spear. She stabs the scroll containing the money spell causing it to vanish, allowing her and Alex to slice the pants off of Amir. He decides to take all the coins to the Chase Space for a donation.[1]

Blitzen was gathering supplies from his apartment in Nidavellir, but after that he was chased by Eitri Junior in a wheelchair, he was still mad that he beat him in that crafting contest. After he crashed, Blitz escaped into the alleys and ended up in a tavern. The bartender wanted him to play Pachinko, get a drink, or leave. But a crony of Junior's came in, stopped Blitz from playing, and took him in the back. Inside, Mimir revealed that he sabotaged Junior's wheelchair so he could meet with Blitz. He explained that a dwarf named Alviss is planning to kill Thor during his jog as revenge for his refusal to marry his daughter, Thrud. Mimir told Blitz to stop Alviss without letting Thor know he's in danger, or else he'll zap all the dwarves.

Hearthstone was showing T.J. Rune Stones as another way of communicating with the Einherjar, he was currently swearing much to T.J.'s delight. A gold bracelet on the elf's wrist twinkles, it was a gift from Inge for releasing her from his family. It meant that she needs help, so Hearth quickly went to Yggdrasil and into Alfheim.

Helheim is filled with ghosts attracted to T.J., one who won't leave him alone is actually Balder! He always admired Tyr for letting Odin and Thor have his position as the chief god of war and not throw things at him. He still has the mistletoe arrow that killed him in his chest, T.J. recalls how a hound dog near his old regiment ate that plant. Alas, Balder cannot help him find Garm, but T.J. actually takes the arrow when Garm appears. He used his rifle to shoot the arrow in the dog's mouth, Garm started act more like a cuddly puppy. Then, T.J. lures him back to his gave. Hel transports T.J. back to Hotel Valhalla after Balder got his arrow back, she says his mother is safe and may even grant him permission to visit her from time to time. T.J. is glad, he has one more favor for Hel: to go to Helheim.

Mallory Keen was upset that Halfborn Gunderson was going to Vanaheim to get dragon scales for a project. She ate a slice of the pizza T.J. was eating, slammed the rest on Halfborn's chest, and stormed off. She carelessly walked into Niflheim, but fortunately had a parka from Blitzen that was infused with kenaz (fire) magic, courtesy of Hearthstone. The door to Hotel Valhalla was replaced by a glacier, Thor ran past her but he was too busy jogging to help her. Mallory tried to follow him but he was too fast and was creating a fog, but it was warm fog. She is suddenly at Hvergelmir, the hot spring surrounding the roots of Yggdrasil, she can climb the branches to get back to Asgard! But first she has to make it across the boiling water to get to the roots.

Halfborn hated the place due to all the peace, butterflies, and chai. Some girls want him to relax but he really needs to get to Sessrumnir. When he arrives, Miles is there instead of Freya, he says he just needs to sneak up on the dragons since they are heavy sleepers. He can find them in the light of Freya and Miles decides to take him there, Halfborn doesn't really want that, especially when Miles begins to talk about flowers. They made it to a canyon containing four dragons fast asleep and glowing in the sun. After first Halfborn saw this as a piece of cake, but then Thor came running by and woke all four up causing them to fly up. However, they do not attack Miles as the honored dead of Folkvanger are spared. Halfborn was glad that he gets to fight the dragons, he killed them even though they were tough. Halfborn tells a girl from earlier that dragons will be reborn in Ginnungagap, unlike him since this is not Valhalla, he gets the scales to finish his mosaic.

Alex Fierro leaves Mallory Keen and Halfborn Gunderson to go back to his room, he misses Magnus Chase who is currently visiting his cousin, Annabeth, but was told to leave Jack behind with Alex. Now she was identifying herself as a female, unlike a minute ago and when he was at Blitzen's Best. While she started working on a lamp for Halfborn, Jack warns her about rumors from other weapons regarding a nefarious plot by Surt! He doesn't want to go with Alex, she understands about what happened last time with Magnus. But she has to do this alone, for Surt can detect einherjar, elves, dwarves and Valkyries. She has to use her shapeshifting powers and gender fluidity.

As an ant, Alex takes the elevator to Muspellheim using an invisible membrane made from a kiln, a handful of fibers with her signature Urnes symbol, and an algiz stone. She was right in the middle of Surt's palace, she turns into a housefly and found the Black One in a large meeting room with immortals. He was still growing his nose back after it was sliced off by Magnus, he doesn't like how the gods don't seem to focus on what happens after Ragnarok, where a new world without disasters will emerge. So he offers the immortals a chance to rule that world if they help him at Ragnarok. Surt spots Alex, but the other gods witness Thor running outside despite his feet hurting from the lava.

Alex changes into a flea and Surt resumes the meeting to has each god state their worthiness. Holler, god of disease, destruction, and disaster, bellows that he will cause infection then destroy things. Snotra, goddess of prudence and self-discipline, will make sure the giants attack in an orderly fashion. Forseti, the cigar-smoking god of justice, complained about Odin left him out of decision-making, he hopes that will change when the new world comes. Glum, one of Frigg's handmaidens, is tired of being in her shadow. Lofn, goddess of arranged marriages, can offer her a husband. Alex hasn't heard of any of them which made her a little sad, she needs to convince them to join their side, all Surt has is a hypnotic voice. She whispered in the gods' ears pretending to be their consciences and tells them about Surt. The Black One summons his white sword of flames to see if the gods prove themselves worthy, they are too scared. Alex stings Surt's nose as a bee and turns back to normal. Once she does that, she slices off Surt's growing nose with his own sword and beats him up in other ways, Alex then explains to the gods that this is what the einherjar can do now. The deities vanished as they don't want to die at their hands, but Alex couldn't get back to Valhalla because her garrotte was wrapped around Surt. Suddenly, Sam, Hearth, Blitz, Halfborn, T.J., and Mallory all arrive thanks to Hearth's magic. They got the word from Jack, and Blitz used a rope to tie up Surt. Alex decides to keep the flaming white sword and warn the Black One that they will be ready for him the next time he tries plotting against them. 17dc91bb1f

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