Details about Community

How to Join the Community?

2. Go to 'ME' page >  'My Community' > input the specified community code

Join the community and get 1,000 CW Points!

Community Code of Each University

City University of Hong Kong 

Community Code: CWCITYU1

Hong Kong Baptist University 

Community Code: CWBU0001

Lingnan University

Community Code: CWLU0001

The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Community Code: CWCUHK01

The Education University of Hong Kong

Community Code: CWEDU001

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Community Code: CWPOLY01

Note: PolyU members are welcome to use Carbon Wallet to record their off-campus green actions to earn points.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

Community Code: CWUST001

The University of Hong Kong 

Community Code: CWHKU001

Community Missions